Chapter 79 [~|~] The Guru

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Sokka looked out nervously at the rocky terrain as they neared Chameleon Bay on Appa. "You haven't seen your dad in over two years. You guys must be so excited!" Aang exclaimed, sharing a smile with Katara, who nodded back.

"It'll be so wonderful to see Dad again after all these years," Katara sighed wistfully as Sokka looked like he wanted to throw up behind her.

"I know I should be, but I just feel sick to my stomach," Sokka grumbled, holding his stomach in his hands as the small Water Tribe camp at the mouth of the bay became visible behind a cliff.

"Don't be nervous. He's going to be so happy to see you!" Aang replied, placing a hand on Sokka's shoulder, Katara doing the same on his other side. The three embraced for a moment before Sokka cleared his throat and broke out of the hug.

"So, what about you, Aang? Are you nervous to meet this guru?" Sokka asked Aang, who shook his head with a serious look on his face.

"Not at all. I'm ready to master the Avatar State. I'll do whatever it takes," Aang stated firmly as Katara smiled widely at his confidence.

"We know you can do it, Aang," she replied, placing a reassuring hand on Aang's shoulder, which caused Aang to nod, a light blush dusting his cheeks. They flew over the Water Tribe camp before Aang directed Appa to land on a small patch of sand next to the mouth of the bay. Sokka and Katara slid off of Appa as Aang prepared to take off again. "Good luck, Aang!" Katara called as Sokka stared at the Water Tribe camp with a nervous expression on his face.

"Thanks, Katara! See you in a week! Yip yip!" With a quick flick of the reins, Aang and Appa soared away, heading east Katara and Sokka waved goodbye to Aang before turning towards the Water Tribe camp, standing side by side.

"We got this," Sokka spoke quietly, and mostly to himself, as Katara squeezed his shoulder.

"We got this," she repeated, the two siblings sharing a smile, before walking into camp. As they passed by the tents, various Water Tribe men, people who they hadn't seen in years came out of their tents and away from their jobs, surrounding the two teenagers in the center of the camp. Sokka smiled up at a Water Tribe warrior in front of him, the two grabbing each other's forearms in greeting. "Sokka, Katara, it's good to see you," the Water Tribe warriors chorused as they smiled at the two siblings, who had grown tremendously since the last time they had seen them.

"Your dad's in there," one warrior pointed out, gesturing to the main tent behind him. Katara let Sokka lead the way to the tent, knowing how much this moment meant to him. Sokka paused outside of the tent for a moment, before taking a deep breath and pulling back the flap. He stepped inside the tent and sidestepped, allowing Katara to step in beside him. The two siblings stared across the table at their father, tears filling their eyes.

Bato smiled at the siblings before elbowing Hakoda in the side. Looking up from the map, Hakoda shot Bato a look before noticing his children standing at the entrance of the tent. Hakoda smiled widely at the sight of his children. "Sokka. Katara," he called, getting to his feet.

"Hey, Dad," they replied before rushing around the table into his arms, burying their faces in his chest, tears streaming down their cheeks as they finally reunited their family.

Back in Ba Sing Se, Azara studied the Earth Kingdom maneuvers as the generals explained their proposed plan to her. "General Fong's base will serve as the launching point for the attack. In exactly two months, the army and navy will invade the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun." As Momo crawled around her shoulders, Azara nodded, looking deep in thought.

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