Chapter 50 [~|~] Survivor Mindset

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A.N. You might want to considering reviewing Azara's firebending capabilities as shown in Chapter 30 (The Volcano) and her lessons at the Northern Water Tribe in Chapter 42 (Waterbending Lessons) before reading this chapter for background, but it's not completely necessary. Hope you guys enjoy it!

The next morning, Aang moved to go meet General Fong to start his Avatar State training. Sokka and Katara had offered to go with him, turning to Azara to see her response. However, Azara shook her head, a small smile on her face. Fong's words were still on her mind. "I think it's best if I just stay out of your way."

"What? You were so concerned yesterday, what changed?" Aang asked, looking concerned.

"Maybe I should just sit this one out. I'm still tired from the North Pole," Azara lied, slapping herself internally for the lame excuse.

"Oh, ok. Well, we'll catch up with you later?" Aang questioned, causing Azara to nod.

A few minutes passed and she found herself quickly becoming bored. Standing up from her bed, Azara decided to walk around the base. Strolling around the courtyard, she spotted an older woman struggling with a large box and ran over.

"Let me help you with that," Azara offered, taking the box from the older woman.

"Oh, that's very kind of you," the older woman chuckled, straightening up. Her eyes suddenly widened at Azara's appearance, raising a finger. "You're the Fire Nation princess, aren't you?"

"Azara is just fine," Azara replied softly, shifting her hold on the box. "Where did you want this?"

"Oh, this way, dear," the older woman responded, leading the way into the makeshift hospital on the base. "You can put it right with the others." Azara waddled over, setting the box on top of other similarly-shaped boxes before standing up. "Thank you for your help. I was probably going to break my back with that box," the woman smiled, stepping closer to Azara.

"It was no problem, really," Azara returned, before glancing at the wounded soldiers around the room. "I should probably get out of your hair."

"You can stay if you want. I need help unpacking these if you have time," the older woman offered as Azara looked over at the soldiers again.

"I don't want to cause any trouble—"

"—Oh, please. You're not bothering anyone. And if anyone causes a fuss, old Min will handle it," Min promised, walking around Azara to pull the lid off the first box. Azara looked at the door for another moment, before sighing, and walking over to help the woman unpack the boxes. They worked in comfortable silence, laying out the various bandages and supplies from the boxes.

"So, what brings you here, Azara?" Min asked, looking up as she opened another box.

"General Fong is supposed to escort Aang, the Avatar, to Omashu to find an earthbending teacher," Azara explained, stacking bandages. "Though, he seems more interested in finding out how to activate the Avatar State."

"That . . . doesn't sound good," Min sighed, handing Azara another stack of supplies.

"I don't think it is," Azara shook her head, sorting the supplies. "So, what do you do here?"

"I volunteer to help treat the wounded," Min supplied, sitting on a stool, and helping Azara sort the remaining supplies. "Keeps me busy."

"That's very kind of you."

"We all have to do our part," Min nodded, staring up at Azara as she spoke. Azara nodded back, before turning to the next box. "You look like you have a lot on your mind, my dear. Perhaps a cup of tea would do you good."

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