Finding Katara pouting in front of Aunt Wu's building, Azara walked over. "What's up?" Azara asked as she moved to stand next to Katara.
"Aunt Wu won't see my anymore!" Katara complained, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I'm sure she's just on a break," Azara tried to assure her, but she knew that Aunt Wu was most likely over telling Katara absurd pieces about her future. "So, what was your fortune?"
"I'm going to marry a powerful bender," Katara replied, her voice trailing off as if she were caught in a daze.
"Sounds dreamy," Azara teased, leaning on the wall as Katara turned to her. "You know anything else about him?"
"Not really, Aunt Wu didn't tell me anything," Katara huffed, kicking at the ground.
"I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure he'll drop into your life soon, if he's not already in it," Azara shrugged as Katara looked over at her.
"What about you? I know you said you were going to have a long, happy marriage before Sokka cut in." Katara nrolled her eyes at the mention of her brother. "But did she tell you anything else?"
"Just that he's apparently a strong warrior and that we're somehow opposites," Azara shrugged, thinking back to her reading.
"Opposites? What's that supposed to mean?"
"She never really clarified that. Maybe something about personalities or . . . what was the term she used? Something integral to who we are," Azara recalled, a confused expression on her face. "I don't really know what that means."
"Hmm, that's strange."
"Yeah, right?" Azara laughed, crossing her arms over her chest. A stretch of silence fell over them before Katara looked up again.
"I'm sorry about Sokka, by the way. His comment was way out of line," Katara added as Azara shook her head.
"No, it's okay. I just . . . Aunt Wu caught me off guard when she predicted I would have a long and happy marriage with children. I overreacted."
"No, you didn't. Especially after what you told us . . ." Katara trailed off as she thought about how the Fire Lord had blatantly abused his children. "I can see why the idea of a happy future would fill you with hope like that."
"Yeah, I guess I just always thought that I'd be forced into a ridiculous arranged marriage or something like that," Azara commented, looking to the floor.
"That would be awful," Katara agreed, clasping her hands behind her back. "I couldn't imagine marrying out of anything else other than love."
"Me neither. My mom suffered so much in her arranged marriage. I would never want that," Azara nodded as Aang and Sokka came running over.
"Katara, Azara, we have a problem!" Sokka yelled as he stopped in front of them. "Aunt Wu was wrong about the volcano."
"Sokka, you tried to convince me she was wrong before. It's going to take an awful lot to change my mind—" Katara argued but was cut off by the rumbling of the volcano. Azara looked up as smoke started to spew, the situation looking grim.
"We need to warn the villagers!" Azara yelled, already running back into the town square. Reaching the town square, Azara raised her hands to cup her mouth. "Everyone! The volcano is about to blow! Aunt Wu was wrong!" Azara announced, gesturing up at the volcano, which continued to spew smoke.

The Dragon Princess and the Wolf Warrior
FanfictionAzara never wanted to be a princess of the Fire Nation. So, when the opportunity to help the Avatar and defeat her father arises, she takes it. And ultimately changes the course of history. Join Azara on her journey of self-discovery, struggle, reco...