Prologue (and Notes)

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A once calm courtyard in the Fire Nation Palace is suddenly filled with laughter as three small children run into the courtyard, a tall woman trailing behind them, a small smile on her face. The oldest of the children, a boy of about six years, turns to his sisters with a wide smile on his face. "So, who wants to be the dragon?"

"Me! Me!" one of the girls raises her hand, jumping on top of her sister, who huffs in annoyance at her.

"Get off me, Azara! And you got to be the dragon last time!" Azula retorted, pushing her sister off of her.

"Because I'm the best dragon," Azara stated, placing her hands on her hips. "Oh, once I learn how to firebend like Uncle Iroh, then I can be a real dragon." Azara opened her mouth, roaring, and trying to get flames to leave her mouth like her Uncle Iroh could, but nothing came out.

"Guess you're not as good of a dragon as you thought you were," Azula teased causing Azara to narrow her eyes at her sister. Yelling out, Azara tackled Azula to the ground, the two rolling around as they argued and pulled at each other's hair.

"Girls! Stop fighting!" their mother snapped, walking over, and pulling them apart.

"She started it!" Azula pouted, pointing at Azara who crossed her arms over her chest.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Enough! Azara, why don't you let someone else play the dragon? Why not Zuko?" Ursa suggested as Azara and Azula shared a glance.

"But the dragon is supposed to turn into a princess! That's why the story is called the Dragon Princess," Azula insisted as Azara smirked at her brother.

"No, Mom's right. Zuzu is the best princess in the Fire Nation," Azara joked as Zuko glared at his two sisters, who wore near identical smirks on their faces.

"Stop saying that!"

"Why not, Zuzu?" Azula joined as their mother sighed.

"Both of you, stop it right now or no one gets to play Dragon Princess," Ursa stated, causing Azara and Azula to drop the smirks. "Now, apologize to your brother."

"Sorry," they both grunted out, before looking up at their mother.

"Now, go play. Azula, you can be the Dragon Princess this time. Azara you'll be the Dragon Princess next time," Ursa sighed, before walking over to the tree. The sound of the three children playing again soon after caused her to smile as she leaned against the tree.

She turned to watch them. Azula pretended to push Azara, who flopped to the ground and pretended to be dead. Zuko congratulated Azula on her victory as Azara jumped to her feet. The three siblings continued to play, their laughter filling the air and making some of the passing servants smile at them as well.

Ursa knew that days like this, where all of her three children could innocently enjoy the day, were going to become fewer as they got older. For now, they would enjoy the peace. But the peace would not last long as Prince Ozai strode into the courtyard.



Italics are flashbacks or dreams

Written in third person with a focus on my main OC (Azara)

I own nothing except my OCs

Please don't copy!

This is a work of fanfiction! Written just for fun!

Follows the show episode by episode generally

Story will not be entirely canon compliant, but the main plot is the same

Contains some situations involving or references to mental health issues, child abuse, light gore, suggestive themes, strong language, etc.

Individual chapters may have particular warnings

Comments and votes are highly appreciated!

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