A.N. And here it finally is, the 100th chapter! As you can tell from the title, it's kind of ironic that this chapter in particular is the 100th chapter, so I hope you guys enjoy it! And also mega shout out to everyone for getting this story to 10k votes! I can't believe how much attention this little story (which isn't that little, whoops) got! Thank you so much to everyone for reading, voting, and commenting, and I hope you like the 100th chapter!
Azara slowly woke up, her sight completely overtaken by a blinding, white light. Groaning, Azara rolled over, and stumbled to her feet. She stood up to her full height, before whirling around. She looked for any sign of . . . well, anything. But there was nothing. Just white. Not even white walls. Just white. Miles and miles of white, blinding light.
"Hello?" Azara called, taking a step forward. "Hello, can anyone hear me?"
As she walked forward, Azara sighed when only the echo of her own voice seemed to greet her. Taking a few more steps, Azara froze when she heard scuffling behind her. She spun around with her eyes narrowed, trying to identify the cause of the noise. She reached down to grab the knife that Sokka had given her, only to find that it was not there.
"What the?" she gasped, looking down.
The sound of something scurrying behind her had Azara spinning around again. "Hello? Who's there?" She tried walking towards the sound, before realizing that she was not entirely sure which direction it had come from in the first place. Problems of being stuck in a white room of utter nothingness, she supposed. "Hello?" she called again, turning around.
She took another step before she was suddenly roughly knocked to the ground. "Hey! What the—" she exclaimed as her arms were suddenly bound behind her back by an invisible force. "Let me go!" The scuffling noise returned. Azara tried to turn around, but the invisible force holding her refused to budge. "Hey! Whoever you are, let me go!"
A loud screech echoed through the space, causing Azara to recoil, tucking her head to her chest. Opening her eyes slowly, Azara started to panic as she spotted a huge golden dragon flying towards her. "Hey! Let me go!" she yelled, trying to wiggle out of the way of the dragon, who screeched loudly again. Curling up into herself, Azara gasped as she felt something fly through her.
She opened her eyes in time to see the dragon fly through her stomach. That's right—through her stomach. The dragon didn't hit her, bowling her over once again. The dragon didn't even touch her. No. The dragon flew through her stomach. Azara glanced up as the dragon swung around, a bright white orb of energy resting on its snout.
"What the . . ." Azara started to say before she suddenly felt incredibly dizzy.
Gasping for air, Azara fell back, struggling in the bonds that she found herself wrapped in. Pain radiated all over her body as she struggled to keep her eyes open. She hadn't felt this way, this powerless, this weak, since the Spirit Oasis, when she felt her life dripping away breath by breath.
Withering on the ground, Azara watched as the dragon flew over to a figure shrouded in a veil of darkness in the distance. The dragon dropped the orb of white energy into the figure's waiting hand. Azara choked on air as she fought to stay awake. The figure appeared to be studying the orb in their hand for a moment, their head tilted to the side curiously.
"Please . . ." Azara gasped, trying to suck at the air and keep her eyes open.
Without a sound, the figure held the orb high in the air. The dragon flew down once more, picking up the orb and flying back towards Azara. Right when she thought that she was going to finally succumb, the dragon flew through Azara once more. Within a second, Azara felt instantly better, though her heart was still beating rapidly in her chest. The hidden bonds fell away, allowing her to catch her breath on her hands and knees.

The Dragon Princess and the Wolf Warrior
FanfictionAzara never wanted to be a princess of the Fire Nation. So, when the opportunity to help the Avatar and defeat her father arises, she takes it. And ultimately changes the course of history. Join Azara on her journey of self-discovery, struggle, reco...