Chapter 20 [~|~] Suspicion

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Azara sighed, following after the Freedom Fighters alongside Sokka as they traveled deeper into the woods. Jet suddenly stopped in a clearing of trees, raising his hand.

"We're here!" Jet announced as Azara looked around, confused. There was nothing but trees to see from their current position.

"Where? There's nothing here!" Sokka sneered, crossing his arms over his chest. Jet handed him a piece of rope, giving it a light tug. Azara watched, laughing, as Sokka was pulled up into the trees. Aang, declining the rope from Jet, airbended upwards into the trees.

"Need help, Jin?" Jet asked, but Azara shook her head.

"I think I can handle this," she replied, grabbing the rope, and giving it a light tug before being pulled up into the treetops. Letting go of the rope, Azara landed on a platform gracefully and walked over to Sokka, who was sitting glumly on the ground. Staring out at the camp, Azara gasped at the maze of huts in front of her, more teenagers running about in the canopy of the forest.

"It's beautiful up here!" Katara praised as she and Jet landed behind them. Azara turned around and raised an eyebrow at how close Katara and Jet were.

"It's beautiful . . . and more importantly the Fire Nation can't find us," Jet stated as Smellerbee landed next to him.

"They would love to find you. Wouldn't they, Jet?" Smellerbee teased, standing up and smirking.

"It's not going to happen, Smellerbee," Jet brushed off, leading the group through the camp.

"Why does the Fire Nation want to find you?" Katara questioned, looking up at Jet.

"I guess you could say I've been causing them a little trouble. See, they took over a nearby Earth Kingdom town a few years back."

"We've been ambushing their troops, cutting off their supply lines, and doing anything we can do to mess with them," Pipsqueak added as Azara looked away. She was glad that she had given a fake name because she was certain that Jet probably would have charged her the second that he found out she was Fire Nation. She would have to keep a low profile here.

"One day, we'll drive the Fire Nation out of here for good and free that town," Jet spoke confidently as Katara gushed.

"That's so brave," she smiled dreamily as Sokka rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, nothing's braver than a guy in a treehouse," Sokka spat sarcastically as Katara glared back at him.

"Don't pay any attention to my brother."

"No problem. He probably had a rough day," Jet shrugged as Azara glanced up at Sokka, who was glaring between his sister and Jet.

"So, you all live here?"

"That's right. Longshot over there? His town got burned down by the Fire Nation. And we found the Duke trying to steal our food. I don't think he ever really had a home," Jet explained, turning to the members of his Freedom Fighters.

"What about you?" Katara asked softly, causing Jet to stop in the middle of the platform. Azara followed after the rest of the group, glancing behind in concern as Katara stopped with him, before turning around and falling in step with Sokka. They were led into a large communal dining area, which was already filled with chattering kids.

Azara sat quietly in between Sokka and Katara as Jet stood up on the table, holding a drink in his hand as he turned to address his Freedom Fighters. "Today, we struck another blow against the Fire Nation swine. I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face, when the Duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog monkey." At Jet's statement, the Duke stood up and walked around the table, raising his arms as the Freedom Fighters cheered for him.

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