Chapter 7 [~|~] A New Path

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Azara huffed as she finally reached the top of the highest hill on Kyoshi. Pushing away the snow, Azara settled onto the ground and crossed her legs. Her thoughts were still scattered from the events in the town square only a few minutes ago and knew that she had to center herself once more. Closing her eyes, Azara placed her hands on her knees, palms facing the blue sky, as she breathed deeply. Her thoughts started to drift as she calmed down, taking her to long distant memories.

She was three years old and sitting in one of the various courtyards of the Fire Nation Palace. She sat in her mother's lap as her mother brushed her dark hair back into a top knot, as was customary. Zuko and Azula were arguing over something, and Ozai was sitting to the side, focused on reading some important document.

Azara gasped in excitement and hopped out of her mother's lap as the turtle ducks poked out of the brush and started swimming towards the shore. "Careful, Azara, don't startle the babies," her mother had warned as one baby turtle duck hopped up on shore and waddled towards her.

"Look at them!" Azara had yelled happily, drawing the attention of her siblings. Zuko and Azula hurried over, knocking into each other and then into Azara, who yelled out in surprise as she fell forwards. She managed to startle the baby turtle duck, who quickly swam behind the cover of its mother. The mother turtle duck, in retaliation, swam forwards and snapped at Azara's hand.

Shrieking in surprise and fear, Azara waved her hand, unknowingly sending a small lick of flame towards the mother turtle duck, starling the rest of the turtle ducks into swimming away quickly. "Azara!" her mother had yelled, startling her father out of his reading. Briefly scolding Zuko and Azula for wrestling, Ursa picked up Azara, who was nursing her hand.

"What happened?" Ozai asked, discarding the reading, and walking over to his family.

"She was startled by the turtle ducks," Ursa replied as Zuko jumped up with surprise on his face.

"She firebended!" he shouted, causing Ozai's eyes to widen in surprise and pride. Ursa stared fearfully at Ozai as he took Azara from her arms.

"My daughter is a firebender!" he announced proudly, irking Azula, who pouted at his feet. "Can you do it again, Azara?" he asked gently, as Azara glanced back at her mother.

"I think she must have just reacted in fear—" Ozai cut his wife off with a wave of his hand, holding up his own in front of Azara. "Can you do this?" Ozai asked, generating a small flame in front of Azara. The small child held out her hands, looking at her father's flame. A few sparks appeared, before a small flame spurted briefly, causing Ozai to smile widely.

Azara gasped as she was drawn out of the memory, shaking her head. Rubbing her face, Azara sighed and stared at the setting sun. "Oh, if you could see us now, Mom," she whispered to herself, sounding dejected. Standing up, she brushed herself off before quietly walking back to the town. She walked wordlessly into the temporary accommodation; her thoughts still scattered.

"There you are, where have you been?" Aang questioned, standing up.

"Just up the hill," Azara responded, pulling off her coat.

"What were you doing for that long? You were gone almost four hours," Sokka stated, causing Azara to sigh as she pulled out her sleeping bag.

"Why do you care?" she muttered bitterly, not even glancing over her shoulder at him as she unfurled the sleeping bag. "You hate me, remember?" Sokka sighed, turning to face her.

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