Chapter 45 [~|~] Separate Mission

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Reaching another room where Chief Arnook stood with some other warriors, Azara did her best to explain and demonstrate how to properly infiltrate the Fire Nation Navy. With their questions answered, the warriors walked off to prepare for their mission, leaving Chief Arnook and Azara alone in the room. 

"I can't thank you enough for all your help in this, Princess Azara," Chief Arnook stated as Azara waved him off.

"After all of the destruction that my nation has forced upon this world for the last hundred years, it's the least I can do. And you can just call me Azara," Azara replied calmly, smiling despite the situation. They stood in silence for a moment before Chief Arnook spoke again.

"May I ask you a question, Azara?"

"Of course, Chief. Anything," Azara agreed, looking up at Arnook with a patient expression.

"You seem to have become good friends with my daughter, Princess Yue, during your time here," the Chief started, causing Azara to nod in confirmation. "Do you think she's happy?" Arnook finally asked after a few moments of silence.

"In general? Sure, I guess," Azara shrugged as Arnook shook his head, rephrasing his question.

"No, about . . . her engagement," Arnook trailed off as Azara's expression changed. At first she was largely sympathetic with Arnook. Fathers who actually cared about their children were not exactly her usual situation. Then, however, she remembered exactly who got Yue into her ridiculous engagement in the first place.

"I didn't think she had the option to be unhappy about that," Azara nearly snapped, her tone showing her displeasure with the subject.

"She's still my daughter, and I want what's best for her," Chief Arnook sighed, clasping his hands together behind his back as he stared forwards. 

"But not more than what's best for your tribe," Azara pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest. She tilted her head to the side as Arnook turned to her again, trying to explain the decision making process. 

"We thought that Hahn would be the best option for the Tribe and for Yue. He's extensively trained in combat and strategy and has a natural affinity for leadership. He'll take care of her and the Tribe after I'm gone."

"Hahn is an egotistical sexist pig whose narcissism and self-absorption will only serve to threaten his own well-being, as well as that of the Northern Water Tribe and your daughter," Azara retorted, before she suddenly realized the bluntness of her statement towards Arnook. "With all due respect to him and your decision . . . Chief," she added, though she didn't mean a single word of it.

"What makes you say that?" Chief Arnook asked, not sounding angry despite her bluntness regarding the subject.

"He walks around like he owns the place, like everyone should bow at his feet. He's personally threatened me multiple times and he has no respect with regards to anything Sokka or I told him about the Fire Nation Navy. He thinks he won a prize by becoming engaged to Yue and will likely just use the position of chief to boost his own self-image and personal interests," Azara listed, Chief Arnook sighing as she continued.

Arnook stared at the floor for a moment, before sighing and picking his head up once more. "I understand he's . . . hard to get along with. But, there were not many other suitable candidates for the chieftain position."

"I can think of one."


"Yue," Azara replied quickly, as if the answer was the most obvious answer in the world. 

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