As they continued to fly along, the sun started to rise behind them, demonstrating just how long they had been awake for. "Oh no, the sun is rising. We've been up all night with no sleep!" Sokka gasped out, his behavior starting to become erratic.
"Sokka, it'll be okay. Just calm down," Azara spoke calmly, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Are you sure? I've never not slept before! What if I fall asleep now and something happens? And something always happens!"
"Every time we land, those girls are there. So, we'll just have to keep flying," Katara decided, helping to pull her brother back down into the saddle.
"Can Appa go much longer?" Azara asked, looking concerned as they dipped again.
"We can't keep flying forever," Aang replied, his gaze fixed in front of them. They flew for another hour before everyone started to doze off. Azara, however, stared back at the way they had come with a steady gaze, her eyes shifting back and forth periodically. "So, what's the plan?" Aang questioned, yawning from his position behind the reins.
"Don't know . . . too tired to think," Toph grumbled, lying on her back.
"I'm sure we'll come up with something after a short nap," Katara suggested, leaning over, and dozing off.
"Yes . . . sleep," Sokka agreed, falling asleep next to his sister. Azara glanced back at her friends before turning back to scout if there was any sign of her sister. A few moments passed before they started to plummet to the ground. Azara yelled out and held tightly to the saddle, grabbing Toph before she flew off as well.
"What's going on?" Toph shouted as Azara pulled her back down to the saddle.
"Appa fell asleep!" Aang yelled back as he crawled forwards to try and wake Appa up. The group screamed out as Appa woke up and tried to right himself, but it was too late. They crashed through a couple of trees before smacking into the ground and sliding to the edge of a riverbank. Azara sat up, groaning, as Sokka stood up, holding his sleeping bag to his chest.
"Appa's exhausted," Aang sighed as Appa fell asleep again, groaning in his sleep.
"Okay, we've put in a lot of distance between us and them. The plan right now is to follow Appa's lead and get some sleep," Sokka stated before falling over and trying to fall asleep.
"Of course, we could've gotten some sleep earlier if Toph didn't have such issues," Katara argued, causing Toph's eyes to snap open.
"What!?" Toph screeched, her hands smacking into the ground and cracking the earth below them.
"Enough already!" Azara huffed, storming over, fire bursting from her palms. "Both of you need to grow up!" Her sharp gaze shifted between the two girls as she placed her hands on her hips.
"Both of us?" Katara and Toph yelled in tandem, but Azara had had enough.
"Yes, both of you! Katara, I love you, but you're overbearing sometimes! Let the girl breathe!" Azara demanded, throwing her hands in the air.
"Haha," Toph taunted before Azara rounded on her.
"And you, Toph! I get that you've always carried around your own weight, but right now you're a part of this team, so act like it!" Toph and Katara fell silent for a moment, though the annoyed looks remained on their faces. "The both of you are driving me crazy! We have bigger problems right now than who sets up the tent and who's carrying their own weight!"
"Alright, everyone's just exhausted. Let's get some rest," Aang intervened as he walked over, which caused tempers to flare again.
"No, I want to hear what Katara has to say. You think I have issues?" Toph scoffed, marching over to Katara as Aang tried to stand in between them.

The Dragon Princess and the Wolf Warrior
FanfictionAzara never wanted to be a princess of the Fire Nation. So, when the opportunity to help the Avatar and defeat her father arises, she takes it. And ultimately changes the course of history. Join Azara on her journey of self-discovery, struggle, reco...