Chapter 112 [~|~] Sozin's Comet (Part 4: Avatar Aang)

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A.N. So, I just decided to go ahead and publish the rest of the book before I have no time. 

Here's the first half of the finale episode. Thank you for reading this far and I hope you enjoy!

Sokka tugged Toph forward to avoid the fire blast from a Fire Nation soldier. With nowhere else to go, he jumped off the side of the ship. Pulling out his sword, he dug it into the side of the ship to try and slow their descent. But they still plunged to the platform below them. Sokka yelled out in pain as he landed awkwardly, but he still managed to reach out to grab Toph to prevent her from falling further.

"My leg! Hang on Toph!" he grunted through clenched teeth, his leg throbbing with pain.

"Aye, aye, Captain," Toph mumbled back, clearly terrified.

Two firebenders emerged on the platforms beside them, poised to strike. Thinking quickly, Sokka threw his boomerang at one of them, knocking him out. Kicking his sword up with his good leg, Sokka caught it with his hand, and threw it at the other soldier's platform. The sword cut through the metal platform and sent the soldier down on his line.

"Bye, space sword," Sokka sighed sadly as he watched his sword plummet below. As Sokka took another strained breath, more firebenders rushed out, ready to finish the two assailants off. Sokka grunted as he started to lose his grip on Toph's hand.

"I don't think boomerang's coming back, Toph. It looks like this is the end," Sokka spoke through gritted teeth. Tears dripped down Toph's cheek, the blind earthbender completely helpless to do anything. "Guess I won't be making that date," he murmured sadly to himself, staring at the firebenders with a defeated expression.

As the firebenders prepared to attack, they suddenly stepped back, before turning to run back inside. Sokka looked back in time to see another airship sail towards them, knocking into their own. Sokka dropped Toph onto the new airship before rolling over and falling himself. Sokka yelled out in pain as he landed on his leg, holding it in pain.

"How did that happen? Did boomerang come back?" Toph asked, sitting up on her hands and knees.

"No . . . Suki and Kesuk did," Sokka replied, spotting the duo by the sail, wide grins on both of their faces.


Jeong Jeong and Iroh worked together to blast Fire Nation tanks back. As they were about to release another attack, sudden powerful fire blasts came from the side streets. The fire blasts knocked the tanks into each other before Iroh or Jeong Jeong could even reach them. Surprised, the White Lotus members shared a confused look.

Piandao leapt up onto a roof of a home to get a better view and noticed approaching men in Earth Kingdom clothing. "Look, there!"

One man ran forward in front of the others, turning to address Iroh. "General Iroh," Jun called, bowing respectfully, "we were hoping that there were room for some more Fire Nation deserters in this battle. Ba Sing Se is our home, and we want to defend it."

"There is always room for traitors among the White Lotus," Iroh replied with a smile, sharing a look with Jeong Jeong and Piandao, before jumping back into battle.


Azara stood in a defensive stance with her hands held in front of her. This was it. The moment that she had been dreading, been preparing to handle for weeks. "Finally, a worthy opponent," Azula spat, a delusional smirk on her lips.

"Azula, you don't have to do this!"

"Oh, Azara. Always the peacemaker," Azula scoffed sarcastically, stumbling around. "Let me guess, you'll pick Zuko. Again."

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