Chapter 81 [~|~] The Fall

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"We've got to find Sokka and Toph!" Katara shouted as they ran through the tunnels, until Azara paused, the familiar feeling of heat behind her. Spinning around, Azara blocked the approaching blue fire with a blast of her own, jumping back at the heat of the combined fire blasts. Glaring over at her sister, Azara straightened up into a defensive stance.

Katara rushed forwards, bending the water from the underground river. She spun a wave at Azula, who blocked it with her firebending. Katara spun again, sending a large wave of water at Azula, who bended a wall of fire to protect herself, steam settling around her. Using the steam as cover, Azula sprinted up a crystal and jumped off, sending two fire blasts at them. Moving in sync, Aang and Katara blocked the fire blasts with a water stream.

Azula landed on an earth pillar, crouched with a smirk on her face, until Aang stepped forward. Using his earthbending, Aang crumbled the pillar to the ground, forcing Azula to jump down. Azara stood in the middle of Katara and Aang as she locked eyes with her sister, who had her hands pointed at Aang and Katara. Before anyone could move, a blast of fire hit the ground between Azula and Aang, causing everyone to jump back.

Azara's eyes widened at her brother's appearance, as he approached, his fist clenched and ready to strike. Zuko's glare flittered between Azara and Azula for a moment. Azula glared over at her brother, her face screwed up into a frown. Zuko's eyes darted over to Azara, who stared with wide, pleading eyes back at him. "Come on, Zuko," she thought to herself, silently begging him to choose her side to prevent the Fire Nation from taking over Ba Sing Se.

Zuko's gaze continued to move around the room before it finally landed on Aang. The airbender gasped as he saw Zuko start to move. Zuko yelled out, sending a fire blast towards Aang, who jumped back with his airbending to avoid the flames. Looking away from Zuko, Azara's gaze hardened as Azula jumped forwards to attack her sister.

Flipping backwards, Azara landed on her hands before throwing her leg back, sending a fire slice Azula's way. As Azula blocked the fire slice, Katara ran forwards, releasing several water slices at Azula. The firebender slid around the first of Katara's water slices before narrowly being hit by the second, the water shaving off the end of her bangs.

At the sound of Zuko's yell, Azara turned to see Zuko swinging at Aang with long fire whips jutting out from his hands, the airbender forced to jump around the wall to avoid the flames. Sending one last fire blast at her sister, Azara ran towards Zuko. Clenching her fists, flames burst from Azara's hands as she spun around, sending a strong fire blast towards Zuko, who barely had time to block it.

With Azara's arrival, Aang jumped up towards the ceiling, scrambling away. Glaring at her older brother, Azara released her own fire whips from her hands, the long tendrils of flames swirling in the air. Swinging her arms down, Azara yelled out as Zuko blocked her attack. "I thought you changed!" Azara screamed at her brother, who straightened up to release another fire blast.

"I have changed," he replied before firing a strong blast of fire. Azara swung her arms, the flames dancing around her harmlessly as she dissipated Zuko's attack. Glancing up, Azara took a step back as Aang earthbended a stalactite off the ceiling of the Catacombs. Azara spun and ran back towards Azula and Katara as Aang jumped down, adding more speed and force to the falling rock. The force of the stalactite hitting the ground threw Zuko back into a wall and left Azula alone against Katara and Azara.

Azula glared at Azara as she spun around, sending a series of fire blasts and kicks towards her older sister, who dodged and blocked the attacks easily. As Azula straightened up, Azara rolled out of the way, allowing Katara, who had encased her body in water, to step forwards. Katara yelled out, thrusting a tentacle forward to capture Azula's arm.

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