Chapter 92 [~|~] The Mission // The Avatar and the Fire Lord

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A.N. Warning: Includes references/themes of mental illness, violence 

Azara breathed heavily before resuming her form. Yelling out, she blasted a powerful fire slice at the training squire. He managed to block it, but he had no time to react before Azara blasted him out of the arena with a fire comet. Standing up, Azara glared at the training squires, who had all been defeated by her in a matter of minutes.

"Towel, Princess?" a servant asked shakily as Azara nodded. Taking a towel from the servant, she wiped the sweat from her brow as two figures entered the arena.

"Looks like you weren't so rusty after all," Azula commented, studying the training squires, who clamored to their feet, bowing quickly, before running off.

"What do you want?" Azara sighed, tossing the towel onto the bench. "I'm not done training."

"You've been out here for two hours," Izen reminded Azara, who raised an eyebrow at him.

"What of it?"

"Maybe you should take a break," Izen suggested as Azara scoffed, rolling her neck to pop her stiff joints.

"Maybe you should either step into the arena and help me finish my training, or get out," Azara snipped, causing Azula's eyes to widen slightly. Izen sighed, before entering the arena. He slid off his shoes and shirt as Azara stretched one last time. Standing up, Azara got into her stance.

"After this . . . we need to talk."


"How you've been acting," Izen commented as Azara's eyes flashed with anger.

Winding up, she sent a fire blast at Izen, who hurried to block it. "Stop trying to control me," Azara growled before spinning around and releasing a fire slice at Izen.

He dodged and sent a fire blast at Azara, who ducked under it. "I'm not trying to control you. I just want to talk, Azara."

"And I'm tired of talking," Azara snapped before jumping and doing a flip, sending a powerful fire blast down at Izen, who raised his hands to block.

Landing in a crouch, Azara spun on her knee, releasing a fire wave before jumping back to her feet. Using quick steps, she dodged Izen's blasts and sent back several of her own. Standing up on one leg, she fired a blast from her hand and foot at the same time, which Izen struggled to block.

Azara drew closer to Izen, her blasts becoming more powerful as she stepped forward. Rolling under one of Izen's attacks, Azara kicked back, releasing a fire slice from her feet. Izen managed to block it, but it still sent him flying back. He landed with a grunt on his back, sliding away from Azara, as she stood up once more.

"We're done here," she stated, before moving to collect her things.

"Azara," Azula called, starting to follow after her twin as she walked briskly back to her room. "Azara! Stop ignoring me!"

"I'm not ignoring you. I'm just avoiding you," Azara corrected before opening the door to her room. Azula stuck her foot in between the door and the wall, preventing Azara from slamming the door closed on her. "Stop following me, Azula."

"Stop avoiding me, Azara," Azula shot back with the same tone.

Rolling her eyes, Azara stepped away from the door. Azula entered the room, shutting the door behind her, before leaning on it, and crossing her arms over her chest. As Azara pulled out fresh clothes to change into after a bath, Azula studied her composure, looking for something amiss.

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