Chapter 52 [~|~] Let Love Light the Way

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Sokka ran at the wall, trying to pull away the debris. Standing up, Azara brushed herself off before lighting a flame. "Sokka, it's no use. We're trapped," Azara called out as a rock fell on top of Sokka.

"But at least you have us!" Chong shouted from behind her, causing Sokka to groan.

"We should keep moving. I hope Aang and Katara are alright," she sighed as Sokka climbed down from the rock wall.

"Oh, don't let the cave-in get you down! Don't let the falling rocks turn your smile into a frown! When the tunnels are darkest, that's when you need a clown, hey! Don't let the cave-in get you down, Sokka!" Chong sang as the nomads moved down the tunnel.

Sighing, Azara turned to Sokka, nudging him gently. "Hey, it'll be alright. We'll get out of here and then you'll never have to listen to them sing again," she smiled, holding up her hand for more light. Momo jumped onto her shoulder, wrapping his tail lightly around her neck.

"Sounds like a plan," Sokka nodded back before they walked together after the nomads. They walked for a few more minutes, reaching dead ends and having to turn around multiple times. Azara fell into step next to Lily as Sokka continued to draw his map.

"So, this legend. Forbidden lovers built these caves?" Azara asked, turning to Lily, who smiled and nodded as her husband came up next to her.

"Yes. The legend says that they were on opposing sides of a war. Their love was forbidden," Lily explained, gesturing around at the tunnels.

"They built these tunnels to escape. They would meet in here secretly, away from the war," Moku continued, walking up beside Azara.

"Because down here, the outside world doesn't matter," Chong nodded, strumming his instrument lightly, starting to sing about the lovers. Azara looked at the floor, her flame dulling for a moment.

"That must have been terrible. I couldn't imagine the pain of loving someone on the opposite side of the war," Azara commented, rubbing her arm. Glancing up as Sokka yelled out in frustration as they reached another dead end, Azara chuckled lightly, a small smile gracing her features.

"Oh, honey, I think you already know that pain," Lily sighed, placing a hand on Azara's shoulder. Azara's eyes widened at the statement, a light blush falling over her cheeks.

"I do?" Azara asked, her voice small as Lily nodded, Chong smiling from beside her.

"Sure, you do. You and that little arrowhead boy couldn't be more obvious," Chong pointed out causing Azara's mouth to drop open in shock.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Shh, your secret is safe with us," Lily winked, before walking past Azara, who's mouth was still open. Her eyebrow started to twitch as she stared down the nomads

"I'm sorry, what?" Azara nearly shrieked.

"You obviously have feelings for him," Moku shrugged from beside her.

"I don't . . . oh my spirits. Aang and I are just friends! He's like a little brother to me!" she yelled, turning around, and waving her hands erratically.

"We understand, fire girl," Chong nodded, winking, and wriggling his eyebrows as Azara shook her head. Taking a deep breath, Azara opened her eyes into slits.

"Don't throw a fire ball at the nomads, Azara. It's not worth it," Azara sighed to herself, pulling up the rear of the group. "But it's not like anyone would know," she spoke to herself, but Momo chattered at her, causing Azara to slump and sigh again. "Alright, fine, Momo. Moral high ground it is . . . this time."

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