Chapter 88 [~|~] Life of a Princess

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A.N. So I'm back with some more chapters! This is an OC chapter since there's no reference to canon but the two after this are The Beach episode! Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting as always!

Azara sighed as she held out her arms, the seamstress making notes about her measurements again. She rolled her eyes as she was prodded in the back. Lowering her arms obediently, Azara waited for the next set of measurements to be completed so that she could just move on with her day.

Preparations for her engagement were apparently in full swing, not that Azara had any say in any part of it. She didn't even have a say in who she was marrying, so why would she expect to be able to pick out the flower arrangements or the fabric of her dress?

"Are you finished?" Azara asked as the seamstress stepped away, writing down some notes.

"Yes, Princess Azara."

"Good," Azara sighed, jumping down from the pedestal.

She nearly ran across the palace, wanting to get back to her room as soon as possible to block out her reality. And her room was quickly becoming the only room in the entire palace, if not the entire Fire Nation, where she felt even a semblance of peace.

Pushing open her door, Azara narrowed her eyes as she noticed the three girls lounging around the room. Her room. "What are you doing in my room?" she snapped as Azula rolled her eyes.

"Where I'm from, we exchange a pleasant 'hello'—"

"—What are you doing in my room?" Azara interjected, cutting off her sister.

"We wanted to offer you some girl time," Ty Lee smiled, moving to stand next to Azula. "All of us haven't had the time to get caught up because of . . . well, you know."

"And it has to be in my room?" Azara asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but you spend all your time in here. We knew it would only be a matter of time before you returned," Azula drawled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fine. You've already made yourselves at home anyways," Azara huffed, walking over to her desk to pull of the stupid accessories the seamstress had wanted her to wear during her fitting. "What do you want to do anyways?"

"Let's all catch up!" Ty Lee suggested, kneeling on the bed. "We haven't all been together since before . . ." Ty Lee quieted down suddenly as Azara sighed.

"Since I left," she supplied, pulling her hair out of her top knot, and brushing it out. "Well, what do you want to know?"

"All of it!" Ty Lee smiled as Mai sighed from beside her, laying back.

Setting down her brush, Azara got to her feet and walked over to the privacy wall to change. "I don't know. Zuko and I started out looking through all the old air temples. Then when those didn't pan out, we just went all over the place. Never got a warm reception, though I'm assuming you knew that already," Azara sighed as she tugged on simpler clothes.

"Ended up in the South Pole. Zuko tracked Aang down to a small village and 'captured' him. Then I helped Aang escape. We went all over the place—the Southern Air Temple, Omashu, the Fire Nation colonies—and eventually ended up in the North Pole for a bit. Then Zhao and Uncle tried to invade it. I died for a bit. Came back. Then I—"

"—Wait, wait," Azula cut in, waving her hands around slightly erratically. "You died?" she asked, her eyes narrowed slightly. "What do you mean you died?"

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