Chapter 16 [~|~] A Warning

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Shyu opened another secret door, leading the way into the sanctuary. "No!" Shyu gasped out, running towards the large and intricate door in the middle of the room.

"Shyu, what's wrong?"

"The sanctuary doors, they're closed," Shyu groaned, staring up at the door.

"Can't you open them with firebending? Like you did with the other doors?" Katara asked, pulling on the door.

"No. Only a fully realized Avatar is powerful enough to open this door alone. Otherwise, the sages must open this door together with five simultaneous fire blasts."

"And we only have two firebenders," Azara grumbled, trying to think of an alternative.

"Five fire blasts, huh? I think I can help you out," Sokka spoke, stepping forwards. He pulled out five bags and instructed Shyu to grab some lamp oil from the room. "This is a little trick I picked up from my father. I seal the lamp oil inside an animal skin casing, then we just have to light the oil soaked twine, and ta-da! Fake firebending!"

"You've really outdone yourself this time, Sokka," Katara complimented as Azara stared back up at the door.

"Let's hope this works." Sokka finished preparing the bags before stuffing one into each opening in the door, the twine hanging out.

"The sages will hear the explosion, so as soon as they go off, you rush in!" Shyu warned Aang, who nodded in affirmation. Katara, Sokka, and Azara hid behind a column as Shyu lit the bags, setting off the explosions. Aang jumped forwards but stopped in front of the still closed door.

"They're still locked!"

"It didn't work," Azara sighed, sounding dejected. Aang whipped several air blasts at the door, but it did not budge.

"Why, won't it, open?!" he huffed as Katara grabbed his shoulder.

"Aang! Stop! There's nothing else we can do . . ." Katara replied, causing Aang to momentarily relax as he stared at the floor.

"I'm sorry I put you all through this," he mumbled, as Azara and Sokka inspected the door.

"I don't get it. That explosion looked as strong as any firebending I've seen," Sokka replied, wiping the soot from the door. Azara stared at the soot for a moment before a thought popped into her brain.

"Sokka, you're a genius!" she exclaimed as Aang looked over questioningly.

"Wait. How is Sokka a genius? His plan didn't even work," Aang pointed out as Sokka crossed his arms over his chest, clearly pleased with the compliment.

"Come on, Aang. Let her dream," Sokka smirked as Azara rolled her eyes playfully.

"Sokka's plan didn't work, but it looks like it did. The scorch marks make it look convincing enough. As far as any of the Fire Sages know, you're inside."

"Did the definition of genius change over the last hundred years?" Aang quipped as Katara nodded, stepping forwards.

"That's true, but is the scorch marks enough to convince the Fire Sages to open the door?"

"What if someone was already inside?" Aang suggested, pointing towards Momo, who blinked up at the group. Hurrying to set the plan in motion, Azara moved to hide behind one of the pillars as the sound of footsteps got louder. Peeking out from behind the statue, Azara spotted the remaining Fire Sages appear in front of the door as Shyu lied.

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