Chapter 106 [~|~] Hira'a

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A.N. So, as some of you can tell from the title, this chapter involves some references to The Search Comics. However, I've never personally actually read them (or any of the other comics tbh), so you don't actually need to have read them to understand what's going on in this chapter. I more borrow character names, settings, and some plot points that happen pre-canon. And I don't know if this is technically comic-compliant or not, but I'm just going to go with what I want to write.

I almost split this into two chapters because it got a bit long, but I decided it flowed much better as one chapter. So, there's just a lot happening in it.

Hope you enjoy!

Azara tossed and turned in her sleep, sweat beading on her brow as she gripped the sheets under her tightly. Flashes of images flew through her mind, images that she was sure were not memories, but perhaps . . .visions? Did she even get visions?

A forest. Or perhaps a jungle was a better descriptor.

A tall rock formation.

A small river cutting through the space between the jungle and rock formation.

Fire lilies decorating the ravine.

More flashes of fire lilies.

The river flowing down the landscape.

A small town appearing from the side of the river.

People milling around the small village.

A small sign overhanging the entrance to the town.

'HIRA'A' scratched across the sign.

Her and Zuko standing under the sign, looking up at it.

Azara gasped, sitting up suddenly in bed. As she tried to catch her breath, Sokka awoke beside her, and rolled over. "Are you okay?" he whispered out, still half-asleep. She could feel his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly.

"I'm okay," Azara confirmed, wiping some sweat from her forehead.

"You have a nightmare?" he asked, sitting up, and moving to grab her hand.

"No . . . more like a vision."

"A vision?" Sokka questioned, sounding confused.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Of what?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Azara replied, turning back to her boyfriend.

When morning finally came, the first thing that Azara did was pull out one of Sokka's maps of the Fire Nation. Searching the whole map over for anything marked Hira'a, she grew frustrated when she didn't find it anywhere. Walking out to the courtyard where everyone else was gathered for breakfast, Azara walked over to Zuko.

"Have you ever heard of Hira'a?" she asked, causing her brother to shoot her a confused expression.

"Hira'a?" he repeated, getting to his feet. "Never heard of it."

"It's not on any of Sokka's maps either."

"Did you try checking the maps in the office?" Zuko suggested before leading the way back into the house. As they pulled out old scrolls and maps from the old office in the back of the house, Zuko glanced at his sister. "Why exactly are you trying to find this place again?"

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