Chapter 51 [~|~] The Cave of Two Lovers

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Azara swam contentedly as Katara and Aang practiced waterbending behind her. Her hair was out of her updo and fanned around her head as she floated on her back. Starting to get cold, Azara stood up and walked to the edge of water, stepping up onto the shore.

"You guys are going to be done soon, right? We have a lot of ground to cover if we're going to make it to Omashu today," Sokka pointed out, laying in a leaf with his hair covering his face. Momo was draped lazily across his stomach.

"What? Like you're ready to go, naked guy?" Katara asked her brother smugly. Sokka sat up, pulling the hair from in front of his eyes.

"I could be ready in two minutes. Seriously, whenever."

"I'm ready whenever you guys are," Azara voiced, collecting her hair, and twisting the water out of it. She turned to grab a towel, her long hair fanning around her as she walked away. Sokka watched the movement with a light blush on his face, until Katara noticed and bended a small wave at him. Sokka shot his sister a look before returning to his relaxing.

Azara hummed to herself as she brushed out her hair, pulling it back into the braids and bun she wore in the Earth Kingdom when music started to echo around the clearing. Turning around to face the newcomers, Azara raised an eyebrow at the odd group of people approaching. They were singing and dancing, some playing musical instruments.

"Da, da, da. Don't fall in love with the travelling girl. She'll leave you broke and broken hearted," a man sang, strumming his instrument as he finished his song. The sound of Sokka falling into the water announced Team Avatar's presence to the group of nomads. "Hey, river people!"

"We're not river people," Katara corrected as Sokka pulled himself out of the water.

"You're not? Then what kind of people are you?"

"Just . . . people," Aang shrugged, as the man chuckled.

"Aren't we all, brother?"

"Who are you?" Sokka asked accusatorily, pointing a finger at the man in front.

"I'm Chong and this is my wife, Lily. We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us," Chong explained, before strumming his instrument erratically.

"You guys are nomads? That's great! I'm a nomad!" Aang smiled as Chong's eyes widened.

"Hey, me too!" Chong exclaimed causing Azara to raise an eyebrow.

"I know . . . you just said that," Aang replied with a deadpan tone.

"Oh, nice underwear," Chong complimented, turning to Sokka. The Water Tribe boy blushed, pulling Momo down to cover himself before shuffling away. Azara stifled her giggles at that, before turning back to their supplies and changing into her Earth Kingdom attire. Sokka moved beside her, hurriedly pulling up his pants.

"So, what do you think about them?" Azara asked, glancing over at the nomads as Aang and Katara got out of the water to speak with them.

"I don't like them," Sokka huffed, fumbling with his shirt.

"Definitely weird vibes," Azara agreed, fixing her boots before standing up. She glanced over as Lily began to braid Katara's hair with flowers. "You want to get your hair braided with flowers?" she joked, glancing up at Sokka as his hair fell over his eyes. Her eyes widened lightly as she reminded herself to focus on the mission ahead, and not Sokka's hair of all things.

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