(Book 2) Chapter 48 [~|~] With the Moon as Our Witness

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A.N. So, I'm back from the dead! Thank you so much to everyone who's read/commented/voted on this story. I honestly can't believe how much attention this story has gotten and I have to thank you guys for getting it to this point. 

This chapter is essentially a prologue to Book 2, which will start to come out in pieces hopefully soon. I was super overwhelmed the past few months with real life shit, but I can't wait to get back to writing this story. Hopefully, everything should settle down in a week or so and I can get back to this. Thank you to everyone who's still here and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Azara rolled over in her hammock, her eyes clenched as another nightmare plagued her. She gripped the fabric of the hammock tightly before suddenly sitting up and gasping. Sweat dripped down her forehead as she grabbed at her chest, feeling for the wound that Zhao had repeatedly inflicted onto her during her nightmare.

Glancing down, Azara stared at her chest and sighed when she saw no sign of the wound. Swinging out of the hammock with her blanket in hand, Azara placed her feet firmly on the floor and made her way out of the hold, too caught up in her own thoughts to notice that Sokka was also tossing and turning in his sleep.

Sokka found himself standing in the Northern Water Tribe Spirit Oasis, rooted to the ground as Azara appeared in front of him, a soft smile on her face as the moonlight trickled into the scene. Her long, dark hair moved with the breeze, giving her an ethereal appearance. "Azara," Sokka called out, moving to walk towards her, but he felt his feet glued to the ground.

"Sokka," Azara whispered out, her hand reaching out for him. She nearly floated forwards, her arm reaching out for his hand. "Sokka," she spoke, her voice louder and with a tinge of fear.

"It's going to be alright, Azara. Just grab my hand," Sokka grunted, leaning forwards as far as he could, but still failing to reach her outstretched hand. Azara's face screwed up in concentration as she reached out for him again.

"Sokka! I can't reach you," Azara cried out, her voice strained.

"Just hold on!" Sokka promised, both stretching to reach the other. As their fingertips brushed against each other's, Azara cried out as she was yanked back by Zhao. "Azara! Let her go!" Sokka demanded, his feet still stuck in place as he struggled and thrashed in place.

"You can't save her!" Zhao hissed as Azara reached out for Sokka again.

"Sokka! Help me!"

"Azara!" Sokka shouted out, reaching forwards again as Azara cried out. Zhao disappeared as Azara crumpled to her knees, clutching her chest in pain. "Azara!" Sokka cried out, rushing forwards, his feet no longer glued to the floor.

"How could you?" Azara asked, tears dripping down her face as she picked her head up to look Sokka in the eyes. Sokka could only blink as he noted the blood trickling through her hands.

"Azara, you're going to be okay. I'll get help," Sokka replied shakily, but Azara smacked his hand away, her face screwed up into a snarl.

"You couldn't save me," Azara cried out, glaring at Sokka as he desperately reached out for her.

"Azara, I'm so sorry. I'll—"

"—You couldn't save me!" Azara screamed loudly before collapsing to the ground.

Sokka shot up, gasping for air as his hammock shook. Rubbing his eyes with his palms, Sokka tried to calm his breathing and erratic heart rate. "That didn't happen, Sokka. Azara's fine," Sokka told himself, glancing over where Azara should have been sleeping. His heart leapt into his throat at the sight of an empty hammock. "Azara?" Sokka whispered out, sliding out of his hammock. He looked around the room but found no sign of her.

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