Chapter 49 [~|~] The Avatar State

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Azara woke up to Momo jumping onto her head, curling up in her hair. "Uh . . . Momo," Azara groaned, trying to roll over in her hammock before she sat up suddenly. "How did I get back here?" she wondered to herself, staring down at the hammock with confusion. The last thing she remembered was Sokka rattling on about how Katara always insisted that one star was the North Star when it wasn't.

"Good, you're awake. We're nearing the drop off point," Katara called, walking into the room.

"Right," Azara shook her head, sliding out of the hammock and getting ready for the day. Katara grabbed her bag before walking out of the holding, leaving Azara alone to wonder how she ended up back in her hammock. As she started to braid her hair, Sokka walked into the room, gathering his belongings. "Hey, Sokka?"


"This is going to sound like a weird question, but, uh, do you know how I got back into my hammock last night? I didn't sleepwalk, did I?"

"No, I, uh . . . I carried you back. You fell asleep up on deck," Sokka explained, his cheeks tinting red as he kept his back to her to hide the blush. Azara's eyes widened as a similar dusting of red coated her cheeks at his admission. "I hope that's alright," Sokka stuttered out as Azara whirled around.

"Yeah, of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?" Azara replied extremely fast, her voice cracking slightly. She smiled awkwardly as Sokka stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Uh, good."


"So, I'll, uh, see you up there?" Sokka asked quietly as Azara nodded, her forced smile starting to hurt her cheeks.

"Yeah, I'll be up in a minute," she nodded as Sokka smiled at her before walking upstairs. As the sound of his footsteps faded, Azara groaned, covering her face with her hands. "Why are you so awkward, Azara?" she questioned herself. "You literally could not have been more obvious." Hurrying to finish packing, Azara slung her bag over her shoulder and walked up the stairs to the deck.

The Northern Water Tribe had been nice enough to drop them off near the Earth Kingdom for Aang to begin his search for an earthbending master, his old friend King Bumi. Azara walked across the deck of the small Water Tribe vessel, moving to stand in between Sokka and Aang. Master Pakku approached, carrying a bag.

"Katara, I want you to have this. This amulet contains water from the Spirit Oasis. The water has magical properties. Don't lose it," Pakku stated before handing Katara a small, cone-shaped, blue flask on a string. Katara smiled as she accepted the amulet.

"Thank you, Master Pakku," Katara smiled, moving forwards to hug Master Pakku. The waterbending master hugged her back before moving on to Aang.

"Aang, these scrolls will help you master waterbending. But remember, they're no substitute for a real master," Master Pakku explained as Aang's gaze trailed over to Katara, who was sitting on Appa. As Aang walked away, Master Pakku turned to Azara.

"Azara, for your sacrifice, on behalf of the Northern Water Tribe, I would like to present you with this pendant. You are forever welcome at the North Pole," Master Pakku spoke, handing the hair pin to Azara. She stared at the hair pin in surprise, marveling at the craftsmanship.

"This is amazing, Master Pakku. Thank you very much," Azara gasped, tracing over the design of the Water Tribe symbol with her finger.

"Princess Yue requested it specifically for you. And Kesuk carved it himself," Master Pakku revealed as Azara nodded in thanks.

"That's so kind of them. Please send them my regards," Azara commented, before walking to climb up onto Appa. Sokka stepped forwards, expecting a gift himself.

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