Chapter 8 [~|~] The King of Omashu

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Azara stared at the city of Omashu, amazement on her face at the size and structure of the city. "The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu," Aang smiled, waving his staff towards the city.

"Wow. We don't have buildings like this in the South Pole," Katara gasped, moving to stand next to Azara.

"They have buildings here that don't melt!" Sokka added, causing Azara to chuckle and cross her arms over her chest.

"You guys do realize that most buildings in the world aren't made of snow, right?" she teased as Aang started walking towards the city.

"Well let's go, slow pokes. The real fun's inside the city!" Aang called, but Azara stepped forwards and grabbed him gently by the shoulder.

"We can't just go waltzing into there. What do you think they'll do once they realize that you're the Avatar or that I'm Fire Nation?" she asked him, motioning to their clothes.

"Azara's right, Aang. Which is why you guys need disguises," Sokka spoke, stepping forwards with his hand on his chin as he thought of possible solutions.

"I have Earth Kingdom clothes in my bag," Azara mentioned, walking back up to the saddle to grab her bag. Rifling around, Azara pulled out the brown and green clothes. Sliding down and hiding behind Appa, Azara pulled off her Fire Nation garb and shoved it back into her bag. She was sure that they would come in handy at a later point.

Pulling on the brown capris and undershirt, Azara stared at the green tunic she had bought when Uncle Iroh had insisted upon docking in an Earth Kingdom port a few months ago. Sighing, she put on the tunic and thick brown belt before walking out from behind Appa, her boots in hand. "How do I look?" Azara asked, tossing her bag back up onto Appa's back.

Katara walked over glancing at her attire. "Maybe take out your top knot? That's fairly Fire Nation," Katara suggested as Sokka helped Aang with his disguise.

"Good point," Azara nodded, reaching up and pulling her hair out. Letting her dark locks down, Azara started to braid her long hair as Sokka stepped back from Aang.

"There, you look just like my grandfather," Sokka commented as Aang scratched his head.

"Technically, Aang is 112 years old," Katara pointed out, as Aang continued to scratch himself. Azara chuckled at Aang's disguise, with the bushy white hair and mustache courtesy of Appa's shedding.

"It's so itchy, I don't know how you live in this," Aang stated to Appa, who grumbled in response.

"Are we all ready to go?" Sokka asked as Azara finished braiding her hair.

"Ready!" the group shouted as Sokka turned to look at Azara for the first time since she had changed. He raised his eyebrows in surprise as she walked past him.

"What?" Azara questioned, noting Sokka's weird expression.

"Nothing, you just look . . . different," Sokka stated, causing Katara to raise an eyebrow as Azara looked increasingly confused.

"Uh . . . thanks?" Azara replied before Aang tugged her towards Omashu.

"Different?" Katara teased as she followed behind Aang and Azara.

"I . . . just shut up," Sokka sighed, pulling up the rear. Azara walked alongside Aang as he leaned on his glider like a cane. They were drawing closer to the entrance of Omashu and Azara could see the guards in the distance.

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