Chapter 78 [~|~] Reluctant Goodbyes

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The group loaded onto Appa's back with Kuei and some of his guards before Appa took off for the Outer Wall. Azara chuckled as the Earth King screamed out in surprise as they flew through the clouds bareback, holding tightly to Appa's white fur. "First time flying?" Toph asked from her position next to Azara.

"It's both thrilling and terrifying!" Kuei replied, causing Toph to nod.

"Yeah, I hate it too."

"I have to be honest with you. Part of me really hopes that what you're telling me about this war isn't true," Kuei admitted, causing the group to sigh.

"I wish it wasn't," Aang spoke as they neared the Outer Wall. "It's still there!" Aang shouted, pointing at the drill, which was now draped in some tarps but still clearly bore the Fire Nation insignia on its metal casing.

"What is that?" Kuei asked, surprise clear on his face as he looked over the contraption.

"It's a drill. A giant drill made by the Fire Nation to break through your walls," Azara explained grimly as Appa landed on top of the Outer Wall. Kuei slid off Appa slowly and walked to the edge of the wall, staring down at the drill with a distraught expression on his face.

"I can't believe I never knew," he mumbled to himself and Azara couldn't help but feel bad for the Earth King for a moment.

The sound of footsteps caused the group to look up as Long Feng approached, flanked by two Dai Li agents. "I can explain this, Your Majesty. This is nothing more than . . . a construction project," Long Feng lied, gesturing to the drill.

"Really? Then perhaps you could explain why there's a Fire Nation insignia on your little construction project," Katara snapped sarcastically as Kuei glared at Long Feng.

"Well, it's imported of course. You know you can't trust domestic machinery." Long Feng paused, starting to look nervous as Kuei's glare deepened. "Surely you don't believe these children instead of your most loyal attendant?" Kuei paused, looking at Team Avatar, before turning back to Long Feng.

"Dai Li! Arrest Long Feng! I want him to stand trial for crimes against the Earth Kingdom," Kuei ordered, causing the group to share shocked expressions. Without a word and only a short glance at each other, the two Dai Li agents launched shackles at Long Feng and pulled him back to themselves.

"You can't arrest me! You all need me more that you know!" Long Feng vowed as he was pulled away by the Dai Li agents.

"Looks like Long Feng is long gone! Ha! Ah, yeah, I've been waiting to use that one," Sokka joked, causing Azara to smile and shake her head at him.

They returned to the palace and entered the throne room, the damage from their entrance being cleaned up as they walked past. Kuei retook his seat as the teenagers stood in front of him. "I want to thank you, young heroes, for opening my eyes. All this time, what I thought was a great metropolis was merely a city of fools. And that makes me the king fool," Kuei sighed, burying his face in his hands. "We're at war. With the Fire Nation!"

"That's why we came to Ba Sing Se, Your Highness: because we think you can help us end the war," Sokka stated, stepping forward with a determined look in his eye.

"We don't have much time. There's a comet coming this summer. Its energy will give the firebenders unbelievable strength. They'll be unstoppable," Aang warned as Azara nodded in confirmation, her face grim at the thought of the comet.

"But there is hope. Before the comet comes, we have a window of opportunity. A solar eclipse is coming. The sun will be completely blocked out by the moon, and the firebenders will be helpless," Sokka continued, straightening his shoulders as Kuei turned to look at him.

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