Chapter 54 [~|~] Family Reunion

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A.N. So, here's the chapter that I'm sure many of you were looking forwards to. Sorry for the delay, but I hope you guys like it!

The next morning, Azara stared glumly at Omashu. "I have a bad feeling about this. I'll almost guarantee that we're about to walk into a trap."

"I don't think so. I'm sure the governor wants his son back as much as we want Bumi. It's a new day. I have a good feeling about this," Aang smiled, holding a sleeping Tom Tom to his chest. Azara sighed, staring out at Omashu with suspicion. There was something off, but she couldn't put her finger on it just yet. Sokka came up behind her, staring at her worriedly.

"You okay?" he asked quietly as Azara turned to face him.

"I don't know, I just . . . have this feeling."

"Feeling? What kind of feeling?"

"I'm not sure," Azara replied, turning back to Omashu. "And that's what worries me."

The group walked cautiously through the empty streets of occupied Omashu in relative silence. Aang led the way up to the designated meeting place as Azara glanced around suspiciously at the town. Climbing up the scaffolding, Azara glared up at the new statue of her father. Shaking her head, she returned to climbing, the last of the group to make their way up to the platform.

Bumi, who was entrapped in a metal coffin contraption, was lowered down as the sound of approaching footsteps made Azara turn. But her blood immediately ran cold at the sight of three familiar faces. Azara's eyes met her sister's for the first time in nearly three years, matching gold irises reflecting the morning sun as the sisters stared at each other. "Azula," Azara whispered out in surprise, though Azula did not look nearly as shocked as Azara felt.

"What?" Sokka questioned, looking back at Azara as she continued to lock eyes with her sister. Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee stopped walking forwards, Mai and Ty Lee naturally turning to Azula to speak. Azula walked forwards a few more steps, a familiar smirk tugging at her painted red lips.

"Aren't you going to say hello, Azara?" Azula drawled, her arms folded behind her as Katara, Aang, and Sokka turned to Azara questioningly. Taking a step in front of Aang, Azara stared back at Azula. Her face was neutral, but inside she was nearly crumbling.

"What are you doing here?" Azara asked, ignoring her sister's earlier question.

"You guys know each other?" Aang questioned, looking between Azula and Azara. Katara and Sokka shared a similar shocked look.

"You're not going to introduce us to your new friends, Azara?" Azula continued, causing Azara to look away for a moment.

"Guys, this is Ty Lee, Mai." She paused, knowing the next words were about to send her new friends into a spiral. ". . . and my sister, Azula," Azara introduced, not missing the look of shock and surprise on her friend's faces.

"Sister!?" Sokka exclaimed as Azula smirked.

"Twins, actually," Azula added.

"Fraternal twins," Azara corrected, turning back to Azula.

"Whatever. We're still blood, Azara, unless you've forgotten who you are by running around with these peasants."

"What do you want, Azula?" Azara repeated, feeling drained and wanting to leave immediately. She knew that this exchange was going to be a bad idea.

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