Thirty-Nine: Move On.

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A lot happened. I moved in with Mika and sold my apartment. Mika had some promotional concerts in Milan, Italy, and I convinced him to let me stay home and take care of Mel. I didn't want to bother him and be a burden after everything that he's done for me. He was only going to be gone for a few weeks, and I assured him I'll be alright.

Easier said than done, my friend...

The first day without him, when I woke up with no beautiful boy lying next to me and an empty house, I was confused. What was I supposed to do with my time? Feed Mel, walk her, eat breakfast, go to work, have lunch, watch TV, waste time, feed Mel, walk her, eat dinner, go to sleep...It was a horrific cycle of forever aloneness and boredom which seemed to never end.

Mika called me that night, after his plane landed, and we didn't talk much. We exchanged a few "I miss you"s and stuff. Nothing too exciting.

The next day, Mika and I had texted a little just to update each other on what was happening. Mine was just "going to work" or "taking Mel out" while Mika had thrilling things to tell. He sent me photos of the Blame it on the Girls costumes, the space set design, the gigantic inflatable Lollipop Girl that's going to dominate the crowd...yeah.

So basically, I did my thing and he did his. I was beginning to feel like he was functioning fine without me, while I was over here in a wreck. Did he really miss me? That question haunted me as I climbed into bed a few nights after. He seemed to be doing just fine without me.

That same night, sometime very late, I got a phone call from Mika while I was sleeping.

"H-hello?" I answered, sleep still present in me.

"Hi, did I wake you up? I'm sorry, my love." I guessed it was around midnight in Milan and a bit earlier here.

"Yeah, it's fine. What's up?" I asked. His voice was hushed and quite, and he seemed a bit anxious and nervous.

"Nothing...I just wanted to hear your voice, that's all..." Mika trailed off, and I could tell he was making an embarrassed face.

"Mika? Is everything alright?"

" the concert tonight...I messed up so bad." he began to spill out information and explain everything.

"I had so much stage fright, and I've never been this terrified. I've been singing in front of people since I was like 12-years-old, but today I couldn't get myself to go on." Mika seemed ashamed of himself. I needed to make him feel better.

"Oh honey, I'm sure it was nothing. Everyone gets scared sometimes." I assured him.

"Katherine...but I forgot all the lyrics to songs, I was nervous the whole time, and I didn't have any crazy energy in me. According to the band members, I looked depressed and so out of it." Mika vented more and more, and my heart broke a bit with every word.

"I literally stopped singing the song because I could't remember any of the words after...It was horrid! And I think I figured out why I sucked so much."

"Why?" I asked in anticipation.

"Because you weren't there."

A silence followed and his words hung in the air.

"There was no Katherine backstage. I've made a habit of looking towards the backstage door and expect to see you standing there, watching me. And I kept looking at the door and you weren't there. And when my shitty show ended, there weren't loving arms to run and collapse into." Mika rolled on and on. I wanted to pull him into a hug that would last forever, one of those warm ones where you just forget about your problems and worries. Except the only problem was that he was in Milan and I was back here in London.

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