Twenty-One: [Part 3] You Deserve Better Than Me

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  • Dedicated to my frequent commenters

****At the Hospital****

"You're going to be alright, sweetiebear." a femine voice promised me. I think I was sleeping before her voice woke me up. I wanted to open my eyes and figure out where I was, but it hurt to move. And what the hell is a sweetiebear?!

"Will you stop talking to the patients? The girl is unconcious. She can't hear you." A voice that belonged to a man said. I tried to piece together what was happening without giving away that I was actually concious. Patients?

It started to make sense. The memories of getting hit by a car flooded back to me and the whole thing on the bridge. I could hear a steady beeping of a heartrate monitor, which made me realized where I was.

The hospital.

"Don't worry about them, sweetiebear. They're just jealous that I'm the youngest and smartest doctor here." the lady said, referring to the male doctors that teased her for talking to an 'unconcious girl'.

"She can't hear you, Laura!" the same male voice yelled. At this point, I figured that the lady, apparently named Laura, wasn't going to stand up for herself. So I'd better do something.

"Actually I can hear her." I opened my eyes and sat up. I quickly scanned the bright white room. A man who looked surprised and flustered stood in the corner holding a clipboard. He had sandy brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a professional white doctor's coat, along with denim jeans.

There was a lady with the same outfit, just purple tights instead of jeans. Her hair was black and long, and she had soft brown eyes. The man quickly shuffled away.

I looked at my surroundings. I was in a white bed wearing the same clothes I had on before, just a different t-shirt. Various tubes and wires were coming out of my arm, doing multiple tasks. There was a stinging pain in my left side, and I noticed for the first time that I had a bandage wrapped around my abdomen. It was slightly splochy with blood, which made me cringe at the sight.

"Sweetiebear, do you think you can take visitors? There are 3 girls and 2 guys outside waiting to see you." Laura set her clipboard on the small bedside table. The 3 girls she talked about were obviously Yasmine, Zuleika, and Paloma. Were the two guys Fortuné and...Mika?

"Yeah, let them in." I looked at my hands. What if one of them is Mika. What would I do? Laura nodded and then hurried outside. A few seconds later, Jase, my 'boss' from the music store walked in. Relief washed over me. Mika wasn't here! I wouldn't have to face him!

Jase crouched beside my bed and his green eyes stared into mine.

"Hey Mystery Girl." his soft voice made me melt, and his amazing hair and piercing green eyes looked extremely cute.

"Hey Boss." I laughed, smirking at Jase. He was wearing bright orange skinny jeans, a black sweater, and neon green shoes.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me. I smiled because he cared about me.


"Are you emotionally stable?" Jase joked, pinching my cheek. I giggled even more and then playfully whacked his hand away.

"I think so."

"That's good. more thing I need to tell you. It's a bit urgent." Jase's expression dropped a little, from happy and bubbly to worried.

"Yeah?" I asked. Why did he have to ruin the happy mood so fast? This was the first time in a week that I've actually smiled.

"You know that Lola girl?" Jase asked slowly. He knew that Lola was an uncomfortable subject for me to talk about.

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