Thirty-One: Fangirl

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happy birthday robin! this is all for you, my lovely sister-in-law ;) love you sweetpea!

Mika and I boarded the plane for the Netherlands. He had a large string of shows there, since his music happened to attract a lot of attention there. When we got down at the airport, a few fans took pictures with him. I never wanted to interfere with Mika's connection to his fans, so I always lingered away from him. After hugging a few more people, he found me.

"It's so weird! I guess I'm not used to people knowing me." Mika said. He looked happy that he got some attention, and I was happy too. Mika wore a huge grin on his face until we got to the hotel. Well his fans were definitely sweet! And also, Mika really loved them, which made my heart happy.

The hotel room was as amazing as the last ones. You know how it goes anyways...

"This is all so amazing!" I said, flopping down on the bed. I was extremely jet lagged and I needed sleep. It was around noon in the Netherlands, but my body clock was messed up. Also, the flight was super early in the morning, so I was exhausted.

"Scoot over." Mika whispered. I did as he said and shifted, giving him room. Mika had to survive a two-and-a-half hour show every night, which mainly consisted of him jumping up and down and singing. He needed all the energy and rest he could get.

"I'll take the couch." I said, picking myself off and sleep walking to the soft sofa.

"No, why?" Mika whined.

"You need to rest and relax." I said, pulling out a spare blanket and nestling into the smooth linen pillows.

"You know I sleep better when I hold you in my arms, right?" Mika lay awake, staring straight up at the ceiling.

"Go to bed Mika...and stop seducing me." I laughed, rolling over and pressing my face into the pillow. Mika didn't respond for a minute, so I assumed he fell asleep. Then, I heard a little shuffle.

Mika rolled out of bed and walked up to me. I didn't expect him to do it, but he slid onto the couch with me. It was hard enough for one person to sleep on the couch, so two was even worse. I wasn't comfortable until Mika pulled me on top of him.

"I need you." he said, closing his eyes. That was the last thing he said to me that night. It was beautiful to feel the silence in the air after the short, but meaningful, sentence. Soon, I fell asleep to the steady rhythm of his beating heart and the rise and fall of his chest. He felt so good, and throughout the whole night, he made sure I didn't fall off the couch. His arm stayed around my waist, pressing me close to him. His other hand remained around my neck and his fingers ran through my hair.

We woke up late. Mika wanted to get enough shows in the Netherlands so all his devoted fans could get a chance to see him. He even had a show that night, despite the fact that his managing team said he should use the day to rest instead. We woke up too late and we had to get to the arena quickly. There was no way we could get a cab fast enough, so Mika and I locked hands and ran all the way there. Mika looked extremely tired and was cranky to be woken up. Better yet, he had to perform.

I helped Mika by handing him his shirt and styling his hair. I quickly fixed him up, gave him a kiss, and sent him on stage. At every show, I spent all my time talking to the Lollipop and Big Girls.
Most of the time, they'd compliment me.

"My gosh, you're so pretty!" a Lollipop Girl said. I caught myself blushing. I spent the entire time talking with the Lollipop Girl. Even after she ran on stage and did her thing, we went back to our conversation like nothing happened. Her name was Azrielle.

The concert ended, and Mika burst through the door, all sweaty and tired. His hair was flat and sticking to his face. Mika's eyes searched the room for me, and when he caught sight of me, he grabbed me and pulled me into his private dressing room. He closed the door.

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