Seventeen: Mystery Girl

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  • Dedicated to the guy who poured icewater on Mika

I pushed myself out of my purple bed covers, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. What now? I had found Mika and everything, but now I was back to my normal life.


It felt weird to be going back to my normal life again. I was dating a celebrity! When Mika swept me off my feet and we fell in love in the last few crazy days, I had totally forgotten how big of a mess that my life was. I still needed to look for a job, and now that Mika was gaining popularity, I felt unworthy to be his girlfriend. I felt like I was a no one, while he was somebody important.

I took a shower and put on a decent top, and of course, some skinny jeans. Then, I grabbed my purse and headed out. I wasn't hungry enough for breakfast anyways.

I walked down a few blocks until I got to the center of town, where all the cute little shops were. I scanned the area for 'help wanted' signs. I saw something orange in the window of a music store and went closer. Sure enough, and to my relief, it was a 'help wanted' sign.

Fate just loved to mess with me and the universe hated me. The sign was placed right next to a giant poster of Mika. I smiled, noticing how cute he looked in the picture. His hair was super messy, he was wearing bright orange skinny jeans, black suspenders, and a white button-up shirt. I caught myself staring at it in a love-trance. I quickly snapped myself out of it when I saw the guy inside the store look at me.

I pushed open the door to the music store and walked up to the front desk. The man who was staring at me was behind it, and he seemed to be the only employee in the store.

"How can I help you?" he gave me a sweet smile and folded his hands, resting his arms on the table.

"I'd like to apply for a job." I returned the smile and flicked my eyes over to the orange sign.

"Alright, let me get you an application." the man said. He looked like he was around my age. He had straight blonde hair that covered up one of his eyes, bright green eyes, and a rosy pink smile. His skin was pale, he wore a blue flannel shirt and dark denim skinny jeans. To be honest, he was kind of cute.

He walked away and disappeared through a door marked 'Employees Only'. I waited, turning my attention to a little TV that was attached to a wall in the store. The channel was fixed on some celebrity news show.

"Grace Kelly singer MIKA was recently photographed with an unknown girl. Ever since then, fans on the Internet have been calling her Mystery Girl, since their was no given name for her. In a recent interview with Amaze Magazine, Mika opened up about this 'Mystery Girl'. According to the hit singer himself, her actual name is Katherine and she is apparently his girlfriend." the thin lady on the screen said.

I froze up. They were talking about me. Only one week ago, I was a complete nobody. No one cared about me, but now, they were talking about me on television! I started to get uneasy and I felt like my privacy was invaded. I took a deep breath, telling myself that everything was okay. This is one of the consequences of dating a rising celebrity. I wouldn't give up Mika for the world, so I had to accept the fact that people were going to like and hate me.

I didn't realized that the man was standing next to me the entire time that I was freaking out. He was holding a piece of paper and a pen in his hand, which I figured was for me. A picture of Mika and I from the park was flashing on the TV screen. The man was staring at it and then looking back at me.

"What did you say your name was?" he asked, clearly skeptical of me.

"Katherine..." I whispered, knowing that the man would figure out that I was Mystery Girl.

"Is that you?" he said, pointing a finger at the TV. I slowly nodded in response.

"You're dating Mika?!" he exclaimed, super excited. "You've got the job, Katherine! I'm Jase, by the way."

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