Twenty-Seven: Living in Cartoon Motion

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  • Dedicated to MY LOVELY READERS WOW

******5 months later (July 2007)******

"Mama told me what I should know. Too much candy's gonna rot your soul. If she loves you, let her go. 'Cause love only gets you down." I twirled around with a broomstick in my hand. Jase, my 'boss' was holding a plastic broom, using it like a guitar. I was pretending mine was a microphone. We were supposed to be sweeping the floor of the music store. Jase thought it would be a good idea to put some music on, and we settled on Mika. Without realizing it, we started dancing around like idiots, singing along and playing air-guitar.

"Suckin' too hard on your lollipop, hey, love's gonna get you down." I could match Mika's high voice with ease. Jase kept headbanging as he agily moved his fingers along the broomstick, like a professional player.

"Do you play guitar?" I asked when the song had ended. Jase looked up at me with his sparkly green eyes and nodded.

"Do you sing?" Jase said.

"Sometimes." I admitted. Jase told me I was a great singer, but I brushed off his compliment. I didn't think I was good enough. Then, we were interrupted by the beginning of 'Ring Ring.' The music was on shuffle.

Jase and I have been working with each other for 5 months now. We got along perfectly, and over time, he managed to become OBSESSED with Mika.


He'd always make me beg Mika to bring in posters for Life in Cartoon Motion. One day, I simply showed up to work with 5 little posters that advertised Mika's new tour, and we spent that day hanging them around the store. For Jase's birthday, which was two months ago, I stole his copy of Life in Cartoon Motion from his desk and got it autographed. Mika signed each and every picture in the little booklet and wrote a long note on the back of it. When Jase unwrapped it, his face turned pale and he almost fainted.

Jase unfortunately hadn't met Mika yet, because Mika had been working on his tour. Even I barely got time to see Mika, and when I did, it was only to drop off his order of Starbucks coffee. I'd always slip into the studio, leave the coffee on his piano, and then disappear before he could even tell I was there.

I begged Mika to let me watch the dress rehearsal for his show, but he never let me. He said is was 'a surprise'.

Today was unlike any day.

Today was his first concert from his tour. That was why Jase and I were so full of energy. That was why we were so happy. In a few hours, Mika and I would be in Paris.

'Happy Ending' began to blare from the radio.

"IT'S YOUR SONG!" Jase screamed over the loud music. He knew that 'Happy Ending' was about me, including the whole backstory. He was basically the biggest Mika fan I had ever met, but to be fair, I haven't met that many fans. Occasionally, someone would walk by me and say something like, "Are you Katherine, the Mystery Girl?" but that was rare.

I focused on sweeping the floor again. I made my way to the back of the store, cleaning everything. I was sort of a neat freak, which Jase liked. He liked it when the store was clean, but never had the will to clean it himself. So he'd wait for me to arrive in the morning, and when I'd catch a glimpse of the dirty floors and dusty windows, I'd get right on the job.

"I WANNA TALK TO YOU." the stereo screamed. I dropped my broom and ran to the front of the store, where Jase was. This was my favorite song. 'Grace Kelly' was playing.

"The last time we talked, Mr. Smith, you reduced me to tears. I promise you that won't happen again." I did my best Grace Kelly impersonation. Jase and I both loved this song to pieces, and we practically had a choreographed dance for it. I know it sounds stupid, but we were both in really good moods about the tour and didn't care about how weird we looked. We were just having fun.

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