Thirty-Three: His Birthday

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***August 17th***

"I've lived at your place for a long time now. It's your turn to stay at my flat." I told Mika. Every day, I'd feel bad because Mika had to share his space with me. Also, I needed to start going back to work with Jase at the music store. Ever since Mika's tour, I hadn't been to work.

Mika pulled up to my apartment and I unlocked the door to let us in. He brought Mel with him, since he couldn't leave her alone in his London flat. Mika had all of Mel's toys, food, and stuff with him too.

My flat was luckily clean, thanks to my obsession with keeping things orderly. I gave Mika a brief tour, pointing out the bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the TV.

"I've got to go to work in a few minutes, so you can chill here if you'd like. Anything that's mine is yours. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen." I explained before running upstairs to change my outfit. I slipped on white skinny jeans and a lavender top.

"Do you really have to go?" Mika pouted, making puppy eyes. Mel seemed to be making the same pouty face, and it was absolutely adorable. I almost didn't want to leave.

"Yes, I do. I'll come home during my lunch break to check on you two." I promised before grabbing my coat and walking out. I forgot to give Mika a goodbye kiss.

I walked to work, which wasn't too far away. Jase seemed really excited to see me again.

"Hey Katherine!" he popped out from behind a shelf of old vinyl records. "How was touring Europe?" He was dusting the records and putting them in alphabetical order. I took the feather duster from his hand and got to work. Jase went to do something behind the register.

I organized the records, straightened out the turn tables, rearranged the rows of albums, and even redid the display for Life in Cartoon Motion. Outside it started to rain, and I immediately let my mind wander to Mika and Mel, sitting together on my couch, playing. The imaginary scene that was playing in my head was so cute. I had only been gone for an hour and I missed them like crazy. I kept glancing at the clock, hoping it would make time go faster. All I wanted was for it to be 12:00, when I could finally go home for a lunch break. After break, however, I'd have to go back to the shop until 6:00, but all I really wanted was to see Mika.

Jase disappeared into an "Employees Only" room, which I was also allowed into. While he was back there, doing whatever, the door to the shop opened. A teenage girl walked in and started looking through our large collection of CDs. The store wasn't busy today. No one really wanted to go out in the Manchester rain to buy music. So Jase and I spent most of our time cleaning and talking. There was a lot of cleaning to go, actually. Like I've mentioned before, Jase would rather let me do all the cleaning, but since I was gone on tour, I couldn't. Dust was piled everywhere and leaves scattered the floor of the shop.

Again, while I was humming "Happy Ending" softly to myself while sweeping the floor, my thoughts slipped to Mika. I could almost picture him sitting on my couch, staring out into the rain and waiting for me. In my head, he looked so alone that it made me feel guilty for not being there.

Finally, after I finished cleaning, it was noon. "I'll see you after lunch!" I called to Jase, who was unloading a box of CDs. Then I grabbed my purse and walked out. I tried my best not to run, since I was kind of excited to get home.

I pulled the keys out of my purse and unlocks the door, swinging it open. The first thing I noticed was the smell in the air. It smelled like really good tomato sauce and cheese. I closed the door behind me and walked into the kitchen, only to find Mika sitting down at the table. Two lovely plates were perfectly placed and spaghetti was piled on it. The forks were neatly set next to the dishes. A pink rose was in the center of the table.

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