Fifteen: Mika's Place

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  • Dedicated to anyone who cried while reading my story

Different lyrics from different songs out of Mika's album were floating through my head at the same time.

"I could be brown. I could be blue."

"Suckin' too hard on your lollipop..."

"This is my interpretation."

"Everybody's gonna love today."

"Took a right to the end of the line where no one ever goes."

"You make me dizzy when you play me like a kid with a crown."

"In any other world, you could tell the difference."

"Don't let the stars get you down. Don't let the waves let you drown."

"A real woman needs a real man, here's why."

"Who want's to have me just to love me?"

"Put your finger on the button. Erase."

"This is the way you left me. I'm not pretending. No hope, no love, no glory. No happy ending."

"Feels like I'm falling. Losing my way."

I listened to all the songs on the copy, but I still couldn't figure out which one was about me. Giving up, I put the entire album on repeat and crawled under the covers. I listened for three hours straight, just lying in bed and thinking. I was more focused on the rhythm and beat than the lyrics, so figuring out which song I inspired was difficult.

I was slowly beginning to fall asleep, Mika's lovely voice was singing me to sleep. I was almost about to doze off when my doorbell rang. I quickly bolted out of bed and to the door, but I made sure to pause my stereo.

I threw open the door and jumped on Mika, startling him. But he was quick enough to catch me.

"I'm in love with you, Mika!" I giggled like I had just discovered something new.

"I'm madly in love with you and I can't stop it." I quoted him. Mika had said that exact sentence before kissing me, so it made my heart flutter. I pulled him closer to me until our lips were only a centimeter apart. I pressed my forehead against his, deciding not to kiss him. We'd only been with each other for 2 days and we had already kissed 3 times.

"What has gotten into you?" Mika laughed and placed me on my feet. He was right; something about me was different. All this morning I was calm and normal, even after we kissed, but now I was giggling and running around all happy and excited.

"I really don't know." I said, casually leaning against my door frame. What was that? Why did I act so childish? Something was really wrong with me.

" are you ready to go?" Mika asked me. I nodded, taking his outstretched hand. He led me to his little red car and we got in. Mika started the engine and drove us away. Then he turned the radio on and turned it down so we could still talk.

"So how'd you like it?" Mika asked, glanced at me before turning his attention back to the road.

"How'd I like what?" I asked, stupid enough to forget that he was referring to his album.

"Life in Cartoon Motion?" Mika answered.

"Oh right. It was so freaking amazing! I love it! I listened to it for 3 hours straight...I couldn't stop!" I said truthfully. It was so damn good.

"Thank you." Mika said, quickly pecking my cheek. My heart started to race when he came in contact with me. Calmness washed over me as my eyelashes fluttered happily.

"Did you figure out what song was about you?" Mika asked without taking his eyes off the road.

"No." I sighed in defeat, leaning back against the seat. "Which one is it?"

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