Twenty-Eight: Paris - Day 2

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"Slow down, we're going to die!" I shrieked. Mika somehow convinced me to ride a bike with him. The only problem was that there was one bike, which meant I had to sit on the handlebars. I don't know how he got me to do it, but whatever magical charming he used, it worked. I kept my feet rested on the front fender, careful not to interfere with the spinning front wheel.

"Calm down, we're fine." he said, pedaling faster. The wind whipped my face and adrenaline pulsed through me. I was still scared of falling off or crashing, but soon, my worries dimished and were replaced by enjoyment. Mika kept going down the beautiful cobblestone roads of Paris, flying past buildings and alleyways.

"Where are you taking me anyways?" I giggled and scrunched up my nose, getting into the feel of things. The risk and danger involved in what we were doing was making me happy.

"You'll see." Mika swerved onto a little path that went downhill.

"Mika...don't you dare...MMMIIIIIIKKKKKAAAAA!" I screamed as he pedaled faster down the little hill. The road was a worn little dirt path in the side of the hill. It was extremely rocky, so we kept bumping up and down, scaring me even more. Mika seemed to smirk at my yelling. Don't let me fall off, please don't! My eyes stung from the wind that was slapping me from the incredible speed we were going down on.

Where the little path ended finally became visible. "Oh FRICK!" I yelled, tightening my grip on the handlebars. A huge lump formed in the back of my throat, and my stomach felt like it had a gaping hole in it. At the end of the path was the river. There was another dirt road that was perpendicular, but the problem was that Mika was going way too fast. Even if he braked, we'd probably plunge into the river.

"MIKA!" I yelped. There were about 3 seconds before we would crash into the river. In those few seconds, I felt Mika tightly wrap one arm around me, to secure me. Then, I felt the bike completely swerve like a stunt in a movie. I squeezed my eyes shut, ready to be engulfed in freezing water.

However, it never happened. I opened one eye and saw that we were pedaling down the road that ran along the side of the river. He slowed our pace down, until we were gently cruising along the path. Mika was singlehandedly steering, since his other arm was holding me close.

"I hate you." I laughed, just happy that we were alive.

"You hate me?" Mika tried to fake his best hurt voice.

"Yep." I giggled.

"Liar. You love me!" Mika nuzzled my neck from behind."


"I hate you." I said playfully. Mica stared at me again with his adorable puppydog face. He was so cute. I couldn't fight it.

"You hate me?" Mica said in a cute baby voice, pouting.

"Yes." I affirmed. His adorable eyes became more intense. I sighed in defeat.

"You love me." Mica said, a smirk replacing his cute pouting face.

"No, I hate you." I tried to hold my ground.

"You love me!" Mica teased.


"You love me."

"No I don't."

"Admit it, you love me." Mica said, once more.

*****Flashback End*****

"Okay, yes, I love you, just not at the moment." I playfully rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Why not now?" Mika leaned forward a bit as he pedaled, far enough to rest his head on my shoulder.

"You gave me a heart attack!" I tilted my head back in a fit of giggles. I crossed my legs so I could sit more comfortably on the handlebars.

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