Twenty-Four: HIM!?

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A/N: So my last chapter make up for it, enjoy this make out scene.


"I love you. I am madly in love with you and it feels so good." I fluttered my eyes closed as Mika cuddled me. His hot breaths were making my skin tingle and the electricity between us was piercing. Mika flipped me around so I could face him and roughly held my chin.

I quickly laid a kiss on his perfect dimple. Mika's hand moved through my hair and held the back of my head, senting waves of happiness throughout my body. Mika's eyes locked with mine and his gaze dropped to my lips. We slowly leaned in, slightly tilting our heads.

Right before our lips collided, I remembered something. "Wait!" I stopped him from coming any closer.

"What?" his voice had a trace of annoyance in it.

"You said you recognized the man who kissed me. Who is he?!" I reminded him. He was about to tell me before, but then we started fighting about the thing on New Year's.

"Right, remember the kid who kissed you to make Lindsay jealous?" Mika stared into my eyes. Mika's eyes were like a hazel-colored ocean that I wanted to get lost in. His eyes pierced through my heart, filling me with love and care. His thumb skillfully ran over the once-bloody cuts from my razor blades.

"Will? Yeah I remember him." I stared back into his mesmerizing eyes. I was practically certain that I'd fall into a trance just by staring at his perfection. His equally symmetrical features were sparkling, and his plump pink lips invited mine to lock on. I resisted the urge to roughly press my mouth onto his, even though the temptation was strong.

"That was definitely him at the club." Mika frowned, looking away from my eyes in sadness. Even though he seemed depressed, he just looked cuter and the need for his lips on mine grew stronger.

"HIM!?" I gasped, trying to hide my clearly shocked face. He was that really cute kid in class that asked me out. Of course, I turned him down because Mika would never approve. Back then, I was his only friend and I knew how much he needed me in his life. I couldn't just walk away because I was too caught up in a relationship! So that's why I never accepted Will's offer.

"Yeah, him. I thought he was out of our lives for good, but the competition came back." Mika pouted and refused to hold my gaze.

"Competition?" I asked.

"Yeah, when you told me he asked you out, my heart broke. I know this was 10 years ago, but I still remember the hurt feeling. Will was so much cooler and wasn't ugly like me." Mika began to hate on himself. I HATED IT WHEN HE PUT HIMSELF DOWN LIKE THAT!

"You are not ugly, love." I gently began to caress his cheek bone and Mika gave me a small sad smile. His eyes closed for an instant, but then reopened to look into mine.

"Admit it. If you were thirteen again and had to choose between me and Will, you would pick him." Mika said, pulling out of our electric stare once more.

"Mika, think about it. If I chose Will, I wouldn't be doing this to you now." And with that, I roughly crashed my lips against his. I felt him smile against my mouth, making me smile back. His hand traced up and down my spine. Then, he fingered the hem of my t-shirt and I felt his fingertips gracefully dance on my skin. He kissed me harder and things got more intense. His tongue tried to slip inside my mouth, and I let him. I didn't care. This was my way of proving how much I loved him.

"Mmm Mika." I couldn't resist a moan. I spoke really fast because his lips only slightly came of mine for a second. They didn't want to leave mine.

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