Twenty-Two: Forgive and Forget

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  • Dedicated to MY SUPPORTERS

We had to forgive.

We had to forget.

All the things that happened in the last few days, all the horrid memories, they were now tucked away in a deep corner of my mind, never to be awakened. The only thing I had to focus on was Mika. Mika, and Mika only.

"Wake up sweetiebear, you're being checked out in ten minutes!" Laura shook my shoulder, disrupting my sleep. She was wearing the same doctor coat as the last few days, but her clothes underneath were different.

"Checked out?" I groggily asked, wiping the sleep from my eyes. My hospital room didn't have any windows so I couldn't see the sun.

"Your boyfriend is here to pick you up, sweetiebear." she smiled, and I noticed how straight and white her teeth were. Her lipstick was a pale pink, which complimented her skintone.

"Okay..." I collected all my thoughts and senses, trying to think straight again. My head was pounding from the medication they had given me and my hip ached from the wound. Laura handed me some clothes and a clean bandage to wrap around myself. She briefly explained how to clean and bandage the wound, and then ushered me to the bathroom.

When Laura was gone, and I actually had some thinking time to myself, I quickly slipped out of my hospital clothes and into my regular clothes. The feeling of the skinny jeans felt so familiar that I was thankful to have them back. I did exactly what Laura told me to and successfully wrapped the bandage around my waist. It pinched a little, but not too much. I redid my lazy hair into a fresh, new ponytail and went back to my room.

I could see Laura explaining something to Mika from outside my room, and his eyes flickered to me for a second. When he caught side of me through the window, he perked up and waved at me. I smiled in return.

"Alright sweetiebear! You're good to go!" Laura pushed through the doors to my room and announced the news. "I'm going to miss you!"

"I'm going to miss you too, Laura." I hugged her real quickly before saying one final goodbye. Laura looked a little sad to see me leave, but she's just silly like that. Then, I left the room doors and walked up to my adorable little cutie with curly brown hair.

"Hey!" I giggled, hugging him. Mika was looking down at his phone, but then he shoved it in his pocket and hugged me back. It felt good to have his warm hands wrapped around out after hours of sitting alone in a white room.

"Hi!" Mika said into my sweater, making in vibrate against my skin. His voice was so cute!!! "How are you feeling?" Mika hugged me tighter, making me wince in pain. He was holding onto my waist, right above where I was hit and injured. I tried my best to ignore it.

"Great." I laughed, letting him hug me even tighter. It shot more pain through me and I felt like I was drowning in it. I suddenly pushed Mika off of me, not being able to tolerate my injury anymore.

"What?" Mika asked as I clutched my side, taking deep breaths and trying to steady myself again. My wound ached like crazy.

"Oh..sorry." Mika's gaze dropped to the floor when he realized what he had done. Laura was watching us, and gave me a disapproving look. Mika hesitantly shuffled up to me and took my hand in his, leading me out the hospital. I saw Laura over my shoulder, and she smiled at us.

Mika led me to his little red car and I got into the passengers side. He started the engine and rolled us down the road. There was a strange awkward silence that neither of us wanted, so he turned on the radio.

"Still at number one, this is 'Grace Kelly'!" the radio show host announced. Mika and I both gave each other sly glances and he turned the volume dial to maximum.

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