Three: It's Okay to Cry

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  • Dedicated to <3 MIKA <3

Choir is hell.

Sorry if I upset you, Mrs. Jane-the-failed-musician, but I didn't think it was possible to ruin choir on the second day of school. Until now, of course. My day pretty much went like this:

I woke up to my alarm screaming at me to get up. I lazily dragged myself out of bed and shut off my alarm clock. I wasn't late like yesterday. Since I had lots of time on my hands now, I made my bed, spreading out the purple sheets until they looked professionally done. Then, I went to the bathroom and did my normal morning routine.

I put on dark red skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, black boots, and a snapback. My usual outfit consists of brightly-colored skinny jeans, a black or white top, and a matching snapback. Today, I went with a black and red one.

After browsing my limited collection of shoes, I decided on black flats to finish my boring outfit. I decided to keep my hair down today, but I had an extra hair tie on my wrist in case I needed it. Looking at myself in the mirror for one final time, I skipped down the stairs for breakfast.

I still had loads of time before school started. I didn't have a way to busy myself, so I flipped some chocolate pancakes for breakfast. I stuffed it with semi-sweet chocolate chips, drizzled chocolate syrup over them, and drew whipped cream smiley faces on them.

I got cozy on the couch and turned on the TV. I made sure the volume was low, because my mom was still asleep. Doctor Who was on. I watched the time-traveling alien fly around with a pretty girl in a blue box for about twenty minutes. When I had eaten all of my amazing pancakes and licked the chocolate syrup off the plate, I grabbed my backpack and walked to school.

Red double-decker buses and tourist vans passed by me as cyclists followed them. This was typical London.

When I finally arrived at the school front, it was 7:50, so I had about fifteen minutes to wander off. I went to my locker and rearranged my supplies in there. I didn't know what to do, anyways.

While I was sorting my wooden pencils from the mechanical pencils, I heard laughing down the hall. I looked in that direction enough to see Lindsay and her friends walk by, still laughing. I accidentally made eye contact with their loser clan leader (aka Lindsay). She gave me an innocent smile, but her eyes glared evilly at me. I rolled my eyes in disgust.

I shut the door to my locker and walked down the direction they came. I stopped when I saw a highly decorated locker. I recognized it as Mica's locker. He had a different lock. We all had blue combination locks with numbers on it, but he had the kind where you push it in the right directions. He couldn't read the numbers on a normal lock.

Anyways, his locker was graffitied with torn pieces of paper with harsh words written on it. I went closer.


"New Kid"

"Bow Tie Kid"



I studied the words written on his locker. I sighed at Lindsay. So this is what they call fun. I shook my head at them and began tearing down their work. Everything was luckily taped onto his locker, so getting it down was easy. People started watching me as I tore everything down, but I pretended not to notice.

Everyone just stared at me, and soon, Lindsay and her loser clan joined the crowd, snickering. No one wanted to help me take it down because they didn't want to be confronted by Lindsay and friends.

Well, except Angel.

She saw what was going on, and the moment she spotted me, she came over the help.

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