Nine: Birthday Surprises [Part One]

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  • Dedicated to Zuleika Penniman

One month ago, I didn't know who Mica was. He was just some weirdo wearing a bow tie, right?

Now look at us: rolling around in the grass, lying on top of each other, holding hands, exchanging I love you's, walking to each others' houses, meeting each other outside of school, Mica carrying me, Mica getting jealous, Mica chasing me, Mica drying my hair, Mica hugging me, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Michael freaking Penniman!!! I just couldn't get enough of my best friend.

Buying him ice cream, helping him with homework, reading him song lyrics, finding all the hate notes in his locker, meeting his sisters, falling for his puppydog eyes, eating lunch with him, calling him my best friend, our friendship really escalated quickly.

Mica was my best friend. I loved him.

************ 7 days later (November 14, at 11:59 pm)*************

I held the telephone up to my ear as I stared out the window. The cold air kept stinging my face, but I ignored it. The moon was the only light shining down on everyone. It was quite, and the only thing I could hear was the whistling wind and Mica's sweet voice.

In the distance, I heard Big Ben chime. It was midnight.

"Happy birthday, Katherine." Mica whispered.

"Now we're both thirteen." I said. My mom was asleep in the other room, but I think she was aware that I'd be talking all night long with my best friend.

"You're officially a teenager." Mica replied.

"Yeah." Mica wanted to talk to me all night long so he could be the first one to wish me happy birthday. My mom would probably say something in the morning and my friends would call me up later.

"You should get some sleep. I've got something for you tomorrow. Be ready by 7:00 in the morning." Mica instructed.

"Seven?" I asked. "That's a little early."

"You'll see. Just be ready by 7." Mica said, hanging up.

"Goodnight." I said to the air. Mica couldn't have possibly heard it. Then, I crawled into bed and fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

***********November 15, 7 am***********

I was dreaming about something, I can't remember what, but I heard someone say "You're so cute when you sleep."

My eyes fluttered open, only to be greeted by Mica, who was smiling down at me. I sat upright instantly.

"What time is it?" I asked, dazed.

"Seven." Mica said. I looked around and realized I was in my room. Then, I became aware on how I looked. My brown hair was messed up and tangled and I looked tired from the lack of sleep.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I said. My purple fleece pajamas weren't exactly attractive.

"Your mom let me in." he smirked. I rolled my eyes. Wow, she actually sent a boy to my room.

"Well get out. I need to get ready." I said, rubbing my eyes. Mica nodded and started to walk away.

I didn't suspect it, but he turned around and pounced on me, pinning me down and straddling me. Mica held my arms down. Then, he started tickling me. I started giggling uncontrollably, since I was really ticklish.

"!" I tried to say between laughs. I was giggling so hard that I couldn't breathe. He didn't stop, he just looked more satisfied the more I pleaded. I tried to free my arms from his grasp. He pressed them down even harder.

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