Forty-One: I Failed Her

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Today seemed like a rather lovely day. Mika slept real late into the morning because he was so tired. It had been weeks since he got that kind of rest and I didn't disturb him. He definitely deserved it. All the work he'd done, from going back in forth through countries just for an outfit. Splurging on sets and costumes just to make his fans proud. He deserved to relax.

I carefully wiggled out of bed and went down to make us breakfast and do chores around the house. I flipped pancakes, made coffee, cleaned up around the house, and then took my mug of coffee and sat in the living room. It was kind of peaceful. I did this a lot when Mika was gone planning but it was calming knowing that he was safe upstairs. I held my steaming good cup of coffee and pulled my legs up onto the little white couch. The pearly piano, which he owned when we were younger, was covered in sheet music. His vintage Donald Duck bike was next to it, and I still had no idea why he kept it there. It seemed like only yesterday that I moved in here, but it'd been months!

I calmingly glanced at the Polaroid clothesline hanging above the mantle. My heart fluttered. A new photo was added; Mika and I slow dancing on stage last night. Zuleika had written the caption..."CUTIES!!! xoxo Zuleika" She's just that adorable. I followed the little 'timeline', so to speak, of photos. I fixed my gaze upon the first 3 pictures; us as children. Mika had changed so much! His hair was now long enough to be curly, and a deep shade of chestnut brown. His hair was so much lighter. He looked very different, and at the same time, very similar.

The quietness in the house made me feel a bit lonely. I could hear a few cars on the street and a dog bark. That gave me an idea. I whistled and quietly called for Mel. As if on cue, she came prancing through the kitchen and leaped up onto the couch next to me. She instantly flopped down onto me, her head resting on my lap. Her furry self was like instant warmth and I felt really cuddly. If I wasn't holding onto a cup of coffee, I would've wrapped arms around her.

"Hello sweetheart! How are you?" I talked to Mel in a quiet voice, careful not to wake up sleeping Mika. I finished my coffee, put my mug away, and then cuddled up with Mel. She decided to climb on top of me and lay down, forcing me to lay down on the couch as well. I scratched her behind the ears, her tongue hanging out and her tail thumping against me.

While Melachi was trying to press her wet nose against mine, my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I wiggled out from under Mel and answered it.

"Hey Katherine, it's Paloma!" I heard her beautiful voice. "Is Mika awake?"

"No, not yet. I want him to sleep for as long as possible anyways. He was really tired last night from the show." I answered.

"Well I wanted to congratulate you guys because the show was spectacular! He's been so busy lately and we all haven't had a proper time with him. Maybe you two can come by here later today for tea?" She invited us over.

"Yeah, I think Mika really needs a day off with his family. Hopefully he'll wake up soon and we'll come over. Thank you love!" I said. Mel softly barked at the phone, making Paloma laugh. "Hello Melachi!" she said before hanging up.

After the phone call ended, I heard Mika shifting around in bed. He was about to wake up. I went to the kitchen and flipped more pancakes for him and poured him some coffee. A few moments later, he came downstairs. He was wearing his cute little pajamas and his curls were tangled in an extreme bedhead. This was my favorite type of Mika. Sleepy Mika, fluffy Mika, cuddly Mika, morning Mika.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, placing his stack of pancakes on the table. I set his cup of coffee down too. Mika slid into a seat and looked at his food with the same amount of love that he looked at me with. He began cutting, and I sat across from him.

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