Forty: My Valentine

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When I got out of bed this morning, I had an awful headache, my throat was sore, my nose was stuffed up, and my eyes were watery.

"Good morning beautiful." a very sleepy voice said beside me before he turned over and stuffed his face back into his pillow. He didn't have anything to do today, at least nothing I was aware of. I quickly scooted out of bed to go take a shower and get ready when a hand grabbed my wrist.

"Please don't go." Mika said, his words muffled by the pillow. I sighed. As much as I'd love to stay home and curl up in his arms all day, I had to go to work. I wanted to pull out of Mika's grasp but his touch felt cooling and relaxing. It was a good thing his face was shoved in that pillow, otherwise I would have a hard time saying no to a pair of those gorgeous brown puppy eyes! His thumb traced soft circles on the back of my hand, soothing me.

"I have to go." I simply stated before shaking myself loose. He flipped over on his back and looked at me.

"Are...are you feeling alright? You look tired." Mika's eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, I'm feeling g-" Before I could finish my sentence, I sneezed. Mika laughed; I've always had a cute, quiet sneeze.

"You're not going anywhere..." Mika smirked, rolling out of bed. He got out and swept me into his arms quickly. He then carried my skinny body and set me back down in bed. He looked me over and felt my forehead. "Damn, you're burning up." his voice was concerned again, and he hurried to fluff pillows to make me comfortable. He wrapped me in a blanket and kissed my forehead lightly before leaving the room.

My throat felt dry and it ached, making it hard to swallow. I did feel incredibly hot and dizzy. No doubt, I was coming down with something.

A few minutes later, after hearing multiple metal things clank together and the sound of running water, Mika returned with a steaming hot cup of tea and passed it to me. He made another trip to the kitchen and brought another mug for himself, then sat himself down next to me on the bed. I sipped my tea while Mika pulled his phone out of his pocket. He dialed a number and held it up to his ear.

"Thank you for calling Melody Music, my name is Jase, how may I help you?" Jase answered. I automatically recognized his voice.

"Hey Jase, it's me, Mika." Jase's inner fangirl made him squeal. "Kathers isn't feeling well today, so I'm gonna keep her home to rest." I could only hear his end of the conversation, which wasn't super interesting. Jase was congratulating him for the release of his new album and he was rolling on and on about how he was hoping for a tour... The conversation ended shortly after.

Mika began dialing another number, and after a few rings, Mika's manager picked up. I continued listening to his side of the conversation. "Hey...yeah it's Mika...mhm...I'm sorry, I really can't make it to the studio today. My love is sick, so I'm going to stay home and take care of her...Yeah, you'll have to cancel that, I can't make it today."

I absolutely hated it when our relationship got in the way of his career.

"What are you doing? Don't cancel anything for me, I'll be fine. Just go to the studio and do whatever you need to do." I said to him. He looked at me for a second and a smirk appeared on his face. His sassy lips shaped into a word, and he finally said it.


I was a bit stunned. "Yes." I argued.




"Screw you!" I said, launching myself onto him and trying to get the phone back. I didn't exactly know what my battle plan was...steal the phone and explain to his manager that Mika will, in fact, be at the studio shortly? Seemed foolproof.

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