Thirty-Six: Holidays

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A few months later...Mika's foot is fine :)


"Wake up you idiot, it's Christmas." I shook Mika's shoulder. He responded by lazily turning on his side and groaning. He looked so comfortable all wrapped up and cozy. I hated to disturb him, but we were hosting Christmas dinner and Mika's mom and sisters were coming over soon to help me cook.

"GET UP MICHAEL." I yelled, yanking open the curtains and letting golden sunlight pour in. It was fairly sunny but it was still snowing beautifully. There was snow everywhere, coating the whole city in a blanketing wonderland.

"Ahh, screw you Kathers." he sat up and threw a feathery pillow at me, which missed. I smiled smugly at myself and walked out of the room.

The table was already decorated and there was tinsel everywhere. A huge Christmas tree stood in the center of Mika's living room, and Melachi was sleeping under it, in the presents. I set Mel's food out and scratched her behind the ear.

I made Mika tea, since he was still struggling to drag himself out of bed. He was super picky when it came to his tea...just the exact amount of water, set for the exact amount of time...

"Merry Christmas, my love." The love of my life, the person who completed me, walked into the kitchen. I handed him his mug of tea and he settled down in front of the TV.

A few minutes later, all 3 of Mika's sisters rang the doorbell, followed by their mother. I greeted them with hugs and so did Mika.

So pretty much, everyone was coming over. A bunch of Mika's family members were flying in, all of his friends were coming, and from what I was told, his band was also joining us. There were going to be a few little kids, because Mika's friends had kids of their own.

Mika didn't really have much to do, so he put Mel on a leash and took her outside to play in the snow. Yasmine and Zuleika were already arguing about what to cook first. Paloma and Mrs. Penniman were talking in the corner.

In a matter of minutes, there were so many dishes to wash, a few things stuffed in the oven, and Mika's fridge was practically emptied. I took a break and slipped on a coat to check on Mika and Mel.

When I walked outside, I saw Mika lying in the snow and Melachi licking his face. He was giggling uncontrollably and I watched them with a smile on my face. Mel's golden fur was adorned with snowflakes and so was Mika's hair.

Mel soon got off of Mika and he finally saw me standing there, watching them. "Go to Kathers, Mel!" Mika called, and Melachi came running at me. I crouched down and caught her in my arms, hugging her.

Something cold hit the side of my face. I looked up and saw Mika smirking at me. He threw a snowball at me!

"That is for waking me up so early this morning." He continued to wear his grin. Then he reached down and made a clump of snow in his hands. He threw that at me, and I tried my best to block it.

"That was for not giving me a good-morning kiss." I rolled my eyes at him and started to make a snowball.

If he wanted a snowball fight, damn right he's gonna get one.

I threw a snowball at him. It hit him right at the top of his head, the white snow piling on his chocolate curls. I laughed because he looked so flustered.

He threw one. I threw one. He threw another one. I threw another one.

Soon, Zuleika skipped out of the house, giggling, and pelted Mika with snowballs. He kept laughing as his sister and girlfriend ambushed him. We were having so much was so perfect and I was so thankful to call Mika mine.

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