Thirteen: I Found You

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  • Dedicated to MIKA, the birthday boy <3

*****February 26, 2007 (21 days after Life in Cartoon Motion was released and about 10 years after Mica and Katherine were separated)*****

I had no motivation to get out of bed.

An average day in my life was just eating, watching TV, lying around, and sleeping...nothing worth looking forward to. I had finished college a month ago and I had no plans for my life whatsoever. All my college friends had gone back to the countries they had come from. I was an unemployed 23-year-old and I was too lazy to go out to look for a job anyways.

I rolled out of my comfy bed and got up. With sleep still weighing me down, I went to my bathroom and washed my face with a cleanser. When I finished, I dried my face with a towel and lazily stomped back into my bedroom. I picked a blanket off my bed and took it with me to my couch. Then, I wrapped myself up in it and switched on the TV.

There was nothing good to watch in the mornings, so I settled on some talk show where the host interviews some celebrities as they talk about their lives. After selecting the channel, I went into my kitchen and opened a few cabinets until I found some chocolate cereal. I poured it into a bowl and then added milk. When I finished, I took my breakfast and plopped down on the couch, focusing on the TV screen.

"Here to talk about his debut album Life in Cartoon Motion, please welcome Mika!" the host said. I stopped eating and looked up. The singer's name sounded exactly like my old best friend's name.

The camera closed in on a perky, happy person. He had soft brown curls for hair and was wearing colorful skinny jeans, flashy high tops for shoes, and suspenders. His eyes were a mixture of brown, green, and hazel.

"So Mika, I was listening to 'Grace Kelly' this morning. It's that type of song that gets stuck in your head real easily. Tell us about it." the host said.

"Well some people at my record label didn't want to sign me. They kept saying I should be like Freddie Mercury, or I should be like some other legendary pop artist. So I was mad, and I went home and wrote 'Grace Kelly', which basically says 'I'm going to be like Grace Kelly. Deal with it. How do you like me now?'" the singer explained.

Behind him, a screen flashed the cover of his album. It was all peachy and pink with big pop-out letters that spelled out 'MIKA'. I continued to eat my breakfast, slightly disappointed that his name wasn't spelled like my old best friend's name. He had a 'k' while my best friend had a 'c'.

"So you were angry when you wrote it? It sounds so happy!" the host replied.

"Yeah, I get asked that a lot." the artist said, scratching his neck.

"So tell us about your life. Tell us about your background." the host asked. "Is it true that you were brought up in 3 different countries?"

"Well I was born in Beirut, Lebanon, but there was a war, so we were evacuated a year later. We ended up in Paris with this whole transplanted Lebanese community. Later, we moved over to London and I've been there ever since." Mika explained. I stared at the man on my TV. My Mica was born in Beirut, moved to Paris, and then to London.

Was that my Mica on TV?

I shook the thought out of my head. It was probably just a coincidence.

"You see, I come from a family of five kids. I'm the middle child. I have three sisters and a little brother." Mika said. I freaked out because my old best friend Mica was the middle child with three sisters and a little brother. Paloma, Yasmine, Zuleika, and Fortuné, right?

"Wow. So how were you as a teenager?" the host asked another question.

"Oh my adolescence was terrible! I was dyslexic, so I couldn't read or write even though I was 11-years-old. All the students and teachers hated me, and the school even asked me to leave. My mom homeschooled me after that. Since I had nothing to do at home, I started to try singing, and that's basically why I'm here today." Mika talked.

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