Part 25: Finally safe

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Chapter 25

Delilah's pov:

      I pressed my head against the window, my breath fogging the same spot on the glass with every harsh exhale from my nose. I didn't know whether to be relieved or worried. The peace I was finally able to encounter felt not well deserved for some reason. It was too good to be true. I studied my surroundings with frantic eyes, trying to seek anything, anyone suspicious that might be following us. I could feel the officer catching on to my stiff figure.

      "Delilah, don't worry. You're okay." He said, his eyes meeting with my worried ones through the rearview mirror.

        I exhaled profusely. " But what if they're following us?"

    He heard the distress in my quivering voice. That's when we reach a red light and he turns to say, "Would you like me to have another officer escort us? Will that make you feel safe?"

     "Yes." I breathed out in relief.

He pulled at the microphone of the radio. Speaking a few code numbers and asking for backup. Within a few minutes, I could see another copy of the ford explorer I was in pulling up behind us. The drive to the station was quiet, even though Frank the officer tried making small talk. I appreciated it, he even told me his name. It was comforting to match a face to a name. I felt more at ease, but the feeling of constantly falling never left the pit of my stomach.

The car comes to a complete stop. Frank opens the door for me, all I see is pity on his features. I gave him a weak smile and he escorted me into the station. The first thing that hits me is the smell of damp moldy carpet and as I walk in further I noticed the weak lighting of the station but seeing all the police officers made me feel somewhat safe, safe enough to keep my nerves in check.

"Officer Makenna, here is the file for Delilah Lancaster. Her parents won't be able to make it till tomorrow evening due to the tropical storm." An informing voice said it belonged to a woman with honey blonde hair that was held into place by a tight bun, her eyes a light shade of blue. Her lips were perched as she scanned my appearance, a worried smile tugging at her lips. She handed the folder to Frank.

      "Thank you, Jones." He said.

     "Also the detectives are waiting to ask her some questions."

      "Are you okay for us to ask you questions, Ms. Lancaster?" Frank asked.

        A heavy breath escaped me. "No," I said, half scared.

    I crossed my arms over my chest and looked back and forth between officer Jones and Makenna.

    "But they need to ask you some questions, what you went through is a serious matter and important to address," Jones insisted, eagerness evident in her voice.

      "I want to talk to my family first."

    I needed to hear their voice, they needed to know I was okay. It had been too long, long enough.

    "But-" Jones retorted but Frank raised his hand to interrupt her.

     "Let her talk to her parents. I think she needs a break from all of this, it's been too much she's just a teenager Sarah."

     She seemed displeased by both me and Frank but she silently nodded before walking away.

    "Follow me." He urged as he motioned towards an office down the dim hallway.

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