Part 16: Mistake

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{Chapter Sixteen}

||Delilah POV||

For the past week, I had been given the silent treatment as we've moved from city to city. These were vast actions of fear yet Isaac wasn't showing any sign of it. The routine was inevitable to get wrong by now, every two days we had to get back on the road. And I wasn't just getting bored of the car sickness, also the gas station food and constantly having to stop at random rest stops seeking for anything mysterious looking. It was getting tiresome and b.o.r.i.n.g .

It felt like those long anxious family vacations where everyone is always fighting but there was a difference , I was being hunted down by mass murderers who got me into this mess over a father I never met and unlike a normal family vacation where there comes a time where you're dying to get home and jump into your own cozy bed and finally rejoice because of the pleasant scent of certainty and safety . I felt like I was walking in a tunnel with no opening or light seeping through, giving me hope.I wasn't looking forward to sleeping on another motel bed.

Yet here I was laying with my back on the bed and my chest facing the ceiling. The heat was causing me to melt away. Florida was starting to get on my nerves not that it was a bad place just that the heat was eating away at my patients. Plus I was alone which meant I couldn't leave the room, speak too loud or peak through the window, Isaac's eyes said it all with one stare before leaving a couple minutes ago to do whatever men like him on the run from the cops and the bad guys do.

I was just sick of it all. Why do I even have to obey someone who's doing wrong to the world? Why do I have to be obedient to some psycho? Why couldn't I just do things my way even though my life was on the line? I didn't care anymore. My life was basically over so why not do some risky things while I'm at it?

I hesitated to pick up the motel phone but my instincts took over, I grabbed the closest brochure on the nightstand and dialed down the number to something I had been craving for months and months on end. Some Chinese food. Isaac's reason for never going out to eat was because he had a fear that I knew he would never admit to being caught by those people which have been giving me a hard time. But he never said anything about getting food delivered to our motel room, even if we somehow got traced we would already be on the road in a few hours to our destination, one which we didn't really have to come to think of it.

And even though his stare burned before he left, he didn't technically say not to leave the room. I grabbed the nearest towel and left the motel room. I was seeking the smell of chlorine and the sight of a small oasis. All I had to do was make a quick left turn by the fountain and there it was, the pool and the best part was that there was no one in sight. How night had fallen the pool lights were shining bright and in different vibrant colors. Which reminded me of when I was a little girl every time I left the doctor's office after a check-up, mom would take me to get ice cream, so many colors, and just so many flavors it was quite an adventure.

I stripped off my sweaty clothes and got into the cool refreshing pool. The mood was set with just the stars up above, blanketed by the sky as they twinkled and stared down at me as I floated around. The feeling that was rushing through me was something I hadn't felt in a very long time. My worries were locked up for once, I just let silence seduce me and the water caress my every limb and part of my skin. It was like that for a good twenty minutes, play time was over. I had been out for too long and really haven't thought of the consequences.

I got out of the pool and wrapped the towel around myself, I didn't have to think twice to know I had to get back before Isaac got here. I fast walked into the room, everything in its place, nothing out of the ordinary. I sighed at the sight, that meant that I had time to shower and had a couple more minutes before the delivery guy would be here. I pushed the bathroom door open, expecting to wash off the chlorine from my body but there he was, with his tense bareback at me as his body inched over the sink, my heart had sunk right here at this very moment, my stomach had dropped as the hairs on my neck stood stiffly.

My shocked gasp caught his attention at a lightning speed, once his gaze found mine, they burned every part of me, every speck and every hair on my skin , his eyes held a mix of emotion, worry, anger, and a hint of something else, that something I was never able to diagnosis. His chest was falling heavily and nostrils flared as he turned to face me in a swift motion that took my breath away. The final conclusion was that he was mad, angry and eventually going to kill me.

I squinted. " Look, I'm sorry, and I know you're going to want me to explain myself but-," I was cut off by his arms embracing me into his chest and my words got jailed in my throat. Well, this was weird, either the fact that he had hugged me like I was a dying corpse in his arms or the fact that I was enlightened by his touch against my skin, I know sounds kind of cynical.

There was no yelling or arguing just his heavy breathing withholding the silence in the environment surrounding us. His hands roaming circles on my wet skin causing my tense muscles to relax and my words to run smoothly.

"I"m sorry...I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's okay Delilah, just don't do it again, someone could have seen you, or taken you, heck even had killed you!"His tone was forced to avoid yelling but it was inevitable for him to.His gaze was raw , studying every inch of my face as I avoid it at best looking down at my soaked feet as if they were the most interesting thing I've seen in a long time.

Silence was our main visitor and also the unwanted one but my racing heart quickly occupied that because his bare skin was centimeters from caressing my own. Nothing else was said until he sighed deeply wrapped the towel tightly against me.

"You should change into something ... less revealing." His words presumed to stutter as his gaze aborted from my figure. My cheeks reddened at his words.

"I'm sorry ...," I groaned inwardly. I've said those words a thousand times, I'm sure he was going to scream at me for saying it again because for the past few days has been very impatient. But he showed me wrong. His fingers lingered just a few centimeters from my face as he twirled a strand of my hair and chuckled at my awkwardness.

But that sign of mercy and kindness only lasted a split second before a knock interrupted his rare act.

"Chinese Delivery!" With that the psychopaths face transformed into a threatening and scary expression. And at that very moment Delilah knew she messed up.

"You. are.dead!"


Author's Note:

When its almost been a year since I lasted updated but it hasn't because i finally updated !!!! I'm so sorry for not updating you guys must hate me. I've been really busy with family ,work,and school that I barely have time for the things that I love. I know that this chapter is short but I thought of you guys, the ones that were waiting ages for an update from me. Again I'm sorry and i promise that I will update sooner this time.

Please , vote,share,and comment.

Love ,Aster <3

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