Part 28 :Ruby

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This chapter includes scenes with SEXUAL ASSULT !!! Please don't read if it is a sensitive topic for you. I don't want my readers to feel uncomfortable reading my story. I want reading for you guys to be a getaway, an escape from the world. I don't want it to trigger you guys or bring distress. Without further ado read at your own risk!!!


Chapter 28

    "Where are you going?"

    Delilah's body froze as his voice slithered down her spine like a viper ready to stalk its prey. Counting to three she inhaled a perfuse breath before locking eyes with the predator.

      "I'm gonna go for a drive." She managed to say only in a whisper, it was either that or a frightful cry. Anthony's eyes were alert as they scanned over every inch of her body.

     "And you need a go for a drive?" He hissed out the last part, emphasizing the word drive as it rolled dangerously from his tongue, a tongue that was involved in so many lies and cynical acts.

     "I-it's a force of habit, I take one where ever I go," Delilah said, knuckles turning white as her hands pulled the strap of the bag closer to her.

      "I'll come back later." She announced as her hands took hold of the keys she was looking for, the ones for the truck, the ones belonging to the demon before her. She swung the door open and propped a quivering leg in the vehicle. He dared to inch closer, light shadowing down on his indignant features. 

"Now, why would you go for a drive under this storm?" His eyes narrowed, challenging her.

     The rain cast down on him as the wind blew dangerously, with it the sound of the breeze howling and pleading Delilah to run. Her gut twisted inside her. She didn't think twice now, she jumped into the truck as fast as her weak and overwhelmed body allowed her,but with that, hands yanked her hair from the root, pulling her down and against Anthony's body as his hands pried the keys from Delilah's grip. A cry of pain left her mouth.

     "Do you really think I would be stupid enough to believe you, Delilah," He growled into her ear as his rough grip tightened in her hair.

    She thrashed and scratched at his arms that were pulling her up the driveway. "Let me go!"

      She heaved in a breath, pushing against his stone figure. "HEL-" his fingers gripped onto her mouth, muffling her cries for help. With her struggle she lost her footing causing Delilah to slip and fall, nothing but concrete to catch her. Lighting and thunder roar from above as Anthony kept hold of her mane, dragging her towards the backyard and into a small disheveled shed. Delilah was able to secure one of his calloused fingers between her teeth, wasting no time and hesitation as she bit down.

     "You bitch," He groaned, next thing she knew his hand curled into a fist and struck the side of Delilah's face. The pain spread through her head like wildfire, causing her vision to blur to small specks of ebony.

     "You really think I'd let you slip away a second time." His voice burned with rage. Metal clashed behind him as the door that led to Delilah's freedom shut close, leaving nothing but the sound of both their heavy panting.

      She crawled backward until her back pressed into some of the storage. Attempting to use them as support as she slowly rose but Anthony's arms pushed her back down. Her head throbbed, legs pulling close to her chest as he cornered her. Defeat for her was out of the question, hope is what kept her going, what ached inside her bones. She wasn't done fighting for her life. Her eyes dared to look into his menacing stare that penetrated her.

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