Part 5: Fatal Attempt

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{Chapter five}

            "Get your hands off of me, leave me alone." She cries at his expeditious movements of getting her to maneuver the way he wanted her to. He was succeeding. But the more she was trawled from the car the more she struggled under his rough subdue arms of practical steel.

             "Hel-"She wasn't able to finish her words of plead by his intimidatingly large palms clapping down on her lips.He jostled her forward and opened a door which led to darkness. And at this time all her mind presumed to think was of what this mass lunatic was going to do to her?She thrashed under his grip and sobbed lonesomely and angrily at herself because she couldn't pry away from him, she was incapable of doing such thing. He flicked on a switch which engorged the dark room with illumination and the door close shut.

          He unexpectedly hooked his ice cold fingers on the buckle of the jeans she was wearing undoing them causing her heart to swell with worry and shock. She held the conclusion that something dangerously negative was going to happen to her and because of her thoughts she shoved at his chest violently which didn't even cause him to stumble. She was that weak, eating only once a day had her muscles aching as well as her stomach shrinking. And her skin fixating tighter to her bones because of the hunger itself.

          "Please don't rape me. I'll do anything just don't touch me!" She cried out, her voice unraveling in pain.

          Isaac's eyes were revealing signs of confusion as his forehead wrinkled into a set of stairs and a deep chuckle fled his throat. He was well understanding that she was more or less thinking that he was that capable of committing that crucial act even though what he was doing was crucial as well. But who knew if he was actually capable of doing such thing. His intentions weren't sexual at the moment. But the thing was that he didn't even know what he was capable of.

              He pointed at toilet behind her and shook his head.

          "I'm not going to rape you, I just thought you needed to use the bathroom, the car ride was long enough." He informed to her as simplified and easily possible.Her shoulders shrunk in relief but her chest remained stiff as she just stared up at him with narrowed eyes.

              His features held amusement but he sure didn't understand her current behavior.

                   "What?"He asked.

           "I'm not going to piss in front of you."She hollered in agony still feeling uncomfortable even under her own skin.His head tilted slightly to a side bringing the strands of his blonde locks to fall with its motion ruthlessly. He was a handsome looker but the fact that she was kidnapped by him in the first place dropped that view immediately out of her train of thoughts.

             "Okay then, I'll be waiting for you outside the door, don't try anything stupid."He informed in seriousness and before his fingertips grasped onto the door knob his right hand proceeded to lay upon her bruised cheek stroking it oh so softly like you would do to a newborn child as anger grew inside of him but something else she just wasn't capable of understanding. She shrugged his hand off and glanced at the ground. He breathed heavily, turning on the balls of his feet without another word said and locking the door behind him.

             Tears quickly streamed down her cheeks as she analyzed the events that took place in her life for only sixty-eight hours;

        She was drugged.

        Appeared in a room covered in nothing but blood and her undergarments.

              Held in a basement for a day and a half.

            And now in Florida hundreds of miles away from her worried family and the only people that cared about her and gave her warmth.

          Her mind was spinning as she sat on the toilet and did her business, but as her fingers reached to buckle the button of her jeans her eyes caught a very peculiar and interesting cause of the extra light illuminating the bathroom. It was a window smaller than the average size but the thought of just seeing it had hope growing inside of her and possibilities of escaping. She rushed over to it quickly and forced the weight of her arms to pry it open. And just at that, blew just the sample taste and smell of freedom.

           There was a chance for her to see the faces of her loved ones again.

                       Her life wasn't going to be taken away from her,

                      She thought.

           She couldn't believe what she was about to do, but then again her life was on the line. She used all the upper strength she had left to push herself up the window and avoid the burning pain it caused her body as she swiveled out of the window and jumped off of it. Her mind was hollering at her to compose strength and determination to run for her life which she was accomplishing as she sprinted as quickly possible for her. She had never run with so much speed in her life and the further she sprinted the more her heart swelled with hope and the pessimistic feeling to dissolve. But before she took her next step, she heard a loud ear piercing sound which was frighteningly a gunshot and her body to fall lifelessly to the ground and the thought of seeing her family again be ripped from her soul and mind as darkness dangerously began to take a hold of her vision.


Author's Note:

Hey, there my yummy bearsssss I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter because I know I did writing it. Also to those who read my authors note the last chapter I have finally come to a decision on the days I will be updating a week. First off it will be one update per week and it will be on Tuesdays. Other than that I wanted to get to know my readers more so every chapter I will be asking and answering questions. Tell me what state or country in which you guys live. It is always so fun and interesting to hear these things. I'll start with me I live in Florida and that's where Isaac took Delilah which is what I wanted to do. I'm leaving hints of my personality in this story. Again leave a comment and vote on my story if you'd like. Until next Tuesday my yummy bears.


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