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Lashes of light rays flickered past the curtains of the pitch , and dark motel room which lacked illumination, and consumed Delilah's slumbering face with light, regaining her to rustle around the sheets as she thrashed and flipped over to her other side, away from the petering rays.She laid smugly on the uncomfortable bed and draped her weak arms over what she assumed was her pillow. Her body lacked of worry and the supposed 'pillow' that she was drooling away at was wickedly out stretching a demonic smirk from either corner of their lips as their ice cold fingers grasped at her pale, bare waist, bringing her into their chest and propping their chin onto her head, like if doing so was a sense of nature.

Her golden brown hair was like a rich river of gold while some of the locks covered her face as she slept soundlessly on the matters which was encountered by Isaac Fisher, the one man that has been feared by more than just Chicago. He was the man that every single human being which came to reckon the murder scenes he had caused, place them in a state of shock, complete fear, paranoia, and placing the thought that closing the doors and windows of their household will still not make the protection that was accessible be just effective.

He was the first man to even be denied as a human being because let's face it how can a 'human being' be so heartless, just so bitter and lack emotion?His pale, white fingers dared to trail down Delilah's features as he slid the small pieces of her hair to a side, some more of her red-stained flesh could be of appearance to his eyes. He wanted to enjoy the view of the girl's bare yet stained skin to be illuminated by the light rays of the rising sun. His odd fetish was despicable and the way that his phallus would harden just at the sight was certainly more than just a disgrace and an insane act of humanity.

The change of temperature on Delilah's skin caused her to wince and squirm uncomfortably under the sheets once more before the hot breath that caressed down her earlobe and neck made her eyes snap automatically open which regained Isaac for the grin that overtook his lips to expand their length even more.He wanted to see her reaction. He longed for her to make the blood that trickled and trailed down her entire flesh, look ALIVE as in more than just interesting, he wanted the word 'blood' to have a more intense meaning than just Crimson, red liquid which oozed out of any human being and creature who lurched the earth.

An uneven shutter of intensity blared from Delilah's throat once the first thing she encountered since she lashed out of the world for sleep was a demonic looking man which held their fingers interlaced in the poor innocent seventeen year old's hair as their wicked chocolate brown eyes which most likely seemed jet black like a demon, boarded their gaze through hers as if staring right through her innocent, pure soul.She shivered, lips quivering and eyes widening their size as her steady beating heart froze completely and pain and fear punctured it with all its mighty causing a horror filled scream to escape her chapped lips,once her innocent eyes landed on the handsome man who held a satanic expression on his face as his eyes darted and his pupils dilated.

She prepared to scream once more , but that was it, she just couldn't she held her mouth open yet nothing absolute left her throat at all. It's not because she didn't want to scream it was just the fact that the fear drowned her body way to whole to allow screams to puncher out of her frail and quivering body.

She pushed herself as incredibly possible as she could away from him which cause her bare body to fall down three feet from the bed and onto the odor consumed carpet which was developed by many unknown liquids and stains, increasing her level of fear.

A sinister chuckle ruptured poor Delilah's instincts as her stomach sterns.

"My sweet Delilah, you really don't apprehend what's happening, now do you?" He questioned in a snarled, as a way of telling her that there were really no intentions of answering that question because Isaac just simply speculated that it was quite obvious, because let's face it, Isaac Fisher would and could have it in the grasp of his fingertips anything and everything his intentions or mind desired and for some reason that one strong desire just had to be Delilah.

Her bones shivered and just as his tongue rolled off her name her figure automatically froze and her body consumed her in complete and utter panic.

How did he seem to know her name?

Why is she just lingering in her undergarments?

And most importantly where was she?

She questioned herself.

She was suppose to be in her home, waiting impatiently on her bed for mail to arrive with the acceptance letter to the school she had been dreaming of since she was thirteen.

She was suppose to wait lonesome and desperately for her parents to come home because it was the time of the year when summer vacation was starting to become more than just tedium.

And she was supposed to treasure her last months as a kid with all she had.

But I guess that couldn't be accomplished. When the most unwanted and feared human being in Chicago  just had to be Isaac Fisher, the one person who ruined her life but somehow ruined his own as well.


{Author's Note}

Hello there my fellow wattpad readers!!! I hope you have enjoyed seeping your eyes through my work in a positive manner of delight. This is the prologue of the story which is going to be very important to read due to the upcoming scene in the second chapter which takes place originally back to this scene. Other than that I hope you enjoyed and keep enjoying my work and follow Delilah on her journey threw mayhem. Also, banners and music request are open to comment on the comment box or just message me!!!! I want to interact as much as possible with my readers and make these updates fun and playful!!! Well, I guess that's it and I hope Y'all have a great rest of your day/night!

Love- Aster<3

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