Part 22 : The Escape

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{Chapter 22}

Gerald Bennett paced back and forth hectically , his steps vigorously echoing through the pale walls of the Key West mansion which haunted Delilah's every thought and movement. He lowered his hesitant features down to Delilah's worried one.

"Don't make me ask you again, where is Isaac, where did he go?" Gerald's voice roared with threat causing her to sink deeper into the dinning room chair.

She swallowed back the lump in her throat. "I don't know," She informed in a low whisper as she glanced away at her biological father.

The last time she saw Isaac was that gloomy Saturday at two in the morning. Isaac was tossing pebbles at the rooms window while Delilah mourned at her decision of staying away from him and not escaping with him. She remembered how he then knocked and knocked until it was three in the morning and Isaac's knuckles bruised. She was hiding on the other side of the bed which wasn't visible to Isaac from the window, legs pressed up to her chest as tears burst from her eyes.

That was the last she saw from him and ever since then her week consisted of pacing back and fourth and thinking of plans to escape and go back to her real family no matter what it would take.

"Stop lying to me!" He screamed causing her to flinch.

"If you want to know where he is you have to answer my questions first!"

His nostrils flared. "This is my house, and you are my daughter and you respond to me ,its not the other way around Delilah," His voice was stone.

"You gave me away for adoption! I don't have to respond to you." She groaned, crossing both arms over her chest stubbornly.

Gerald kissed his teeth in agony. " Where is HE!"

Delilah swallowed the lump in her throat and avoided his question. "Why would you put someone who helped you find me in jail? That makes no sense?!" She stated in a questioned manner with raised brows .

He scoffed, "Don't you see why? He's a sociopath! He killed his aunt."

She gasped holding her chest as it ached, she couldn't believe someone could do such thing. Delilah began to feel weak and nauseous at the raw news.

" B-but then w-wh," she cleared her throat still taken aback by the revelation and then proceeded. " Why would you hire a killer, a sociopath to bring me to you? That's sick , t-that's just wrong!"

"Weren't you afraid of me getting killed? Why did you send a killer to kidnap me then?!" Her voice lowly quivered.

"Why? Because the cops were asking for a million dollar reward for him. Why else?"

"That's fucked up, you know that right," She said, looking away from his greed filled eyes.

      "What could you have possibly offered Isaac that would convince him to bring me to you?"

     He inched down to her sluggish body as he spoke. "That, is none of your business."

       The rude man before her rubbed his red eyes. "Why do you even care about him? He's an assassin and has nothing to do with you." Curiosity sparked in his eyes.

       She quickly lower in her stance, avoiding his piercing gaze.

"Don't tell me you have a thing for that...that lunatic?" Amusement and shock settled on his features, lips twitching at the edges.

She bit the inside of her cheek. Her head sped in circles, circles that disoriented her. Delilah went to open her mouth but no words would seep from her lips.

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