Part 4: Hope or Pessimisim?

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{Chapter 4}

                   "If you don't do what I say, your family will suffer."

             Those words bleed steep into her eardrums and hesitant mind as she kept scrubbing away the dissolving substance from her scalp while jittery sobs and tears escaped her body. She just couldn't understand why out of all the humans in the world, she was the one who had to be picked for this. She believed that only women who were looking for "it" got taken away but after finally having an experience of her own she finally knew then that "it" could happen to anyone.

              She cleansed her scalp even more in a rough manner as she gazed at herself in the slightly shattered mirror in front of her as she finally looked at the now unknown stranger in front of her eyes. She held strained red eyes which didn't consist of brightness any longer, her body was a tad slimmer and her entire flesh hollered depression and hopelessness, her once red lips now stood chafed as some dried blood laid beneath its core because of it. But the most drastic change of her dread appearance at the moment was her hair, her honey brown locks were no more. Now they were blonde and her length of hair laid right along her weak shoulder blades, which to before stood just a tad bit under her waist. She rinsed the itchy substance from her scalp and weekly towel dried her small mass of hair.

                  After she bathed her body with the leaking water of the rusty pipes of the washroom, the psychopathic lunatic threatened her, causing her mind to bloom in fear, involving her family and blackmailing her in case she tried to escape. Her body longed to keep trying and leave that weakness of giving up behind. But the more she thought about her loving family and a bullet through their heads or chest, had her mind and thought giving up sadly.Her sobs were torture for even her eardrums to handle. She was numb mentally and physically, and there was no way to halt its continuous agony.

            "You might think I'm crazy, or a sociopath. Or even muster why you ended up here? Unfortunately, I can't tell you at all. You're just going to have to obey me and not ask questions. When the time is right I'll let you know." His destructive words of loss  hope seeped into her eardrums as Isaac's forbidden breath caressed her ear lob.

              Her optimism was pulverized with a simple touch of fingertips and a lump hung low once again on her throat which was sore from all the painful cries leaving her tremulous lips. Her hope was nowhere to be found, and her longing to see her parents was becoming even stronger by the second. She wished for them to embrace her with warmth and safety but all she received now was coldness and fear. She longed to feel careless of danger like she did a few days before. But the reality was knocking down at her door of nostalgia. She wasn't going to be saved.Nor she was safe.But there was one thing she did agree on with him. He was a sociopath and the clock was ticking no denying that because the more time passed the most unusual signs of behavior were revealed to approve the theory.

                      She hugged herself at his wondering eyes.

        "Perfect now no one will know who you are. Blonde really suits you, you know that right?" He said in a chuckled which automatically raced shivers down her spin in fear of just his odd laughter. A laughter which seemed to be engorged with evil and bad intentions.

           "What are you going to do?" She questioned him but quivered in fear at his gaze, one which held their grip on her with all their mighty will.

            He groaned in agony at her wording. "I said not to ask me questions, my sweet Delilah." Isaac gritted his teeth and her shoulders shrunk. The least she wanted to at this very moment was to put the man who had kept her away from the world mad or angry, because who knew what he was capable of doing to her if she got him irritated.

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