Part 14: Troubled Mind

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{Chapter fourteen}

           "I said hold still!" He growled ferociously at her constant flinching at the unbearable pain of a needle digging into her skin. She tried her best to hold her whimper after his out-lash.

               "I'm trying," She muttered in a shaky breath. Sweat trailed down her features and goosebumps formed on every inch of her flesh.

             Once Isaac had finished sowing, he bandaged her afflicted area. But she had shuttered not just at the amount of petrifying pain she was in, but how fear had overcome her. He reflected the same cynical features he did when he had captured her, holding captive that one that dark, bloody hotel room. She wondered why she hadn't questioned being blanketed in blood.

                  Her most terrifying worry...who's blood was released on her skin?

            She feared fear itself, she felt numb, like she wasn't even in her body anymore.

                   "What did you do to those men?" She questioned him as she dried her face from sweat.

            "What men?" He knew very well what she was leaning towards but his purpose was to stall and avoid the unavoidable.

            "You know what I'm talking about," She grumbled under her breath as his head fell into his hands, a gold majestic river of locks disheveled with his motion.

            He breathed sharply through his nose. "I did what I had to do so they could leave us alone." Something had erupted within her, causing her stomach to tie up in knots and heaviness to settle upon her throat.

              "...You killed them didn't you." Silence had become a bitter visitor for a long ten seconds.

              "They were going to kill us. What did you want me to do?! Leave them alive so they could finish killing everyone else in the diner including us? Delilah, sometimes you have gotta do what you have to, to survive!" His anger possessed him to rise with his voice. Eyes red and veins plummeting.

             Tears escaped her eyes, she rose from the motel bed and sped walked to the bathroom. Lately, that was the one place she fled to sob and pity her life and others she's caused harm to. Her fingers were tremulous just like her beating heart and thoughts. Tears free fall from her eyes for a couple of minutes before she pulled off her clothes and stepped into the tub, turning on the warm water and letting it fall on her aching muscles. She just wanted to be home. She longed for her mother's kisses and lavender scent consuming her as her mom's hugs comfort her every worry. Now she didn't have something to comfort her, she currently lived in exasperated worry and constant dismay. Delilah envied going to sleep and never waking up...though even in her dreams worry would summon them, a constant fear...a perpetual nightmare.

           Once she stopped the water from rushing down her back and rinsing away the murky substances on her, she stepped out of the tub while wrapping a towel that smelled like a mix of Clorox and filth around her body. Her eyes met her reflection, she never thought she'd miss her hazelnut brown hair. She never thought she'd miss the fat on her bones like she does right now.

          She threw on some clothes that were too big for her figured, and tied the side of the sweatpants in a knot, preventing the material from falling down her narrow hips. She breathed sharply through her nose nervously before opening the bathroom door and scanning her surroundings in a cautious manner.

      She let out a breath Delilah didn't even know was holding. Darkness dressed in white was nowhere to be found. Knitting eyebrows took over her confused featured.

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