Part 18: Consequences

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A/N: Don't kill me, please!

{Part Eighteen}

An earthquake of fear trembles up and down her frail arms as her body inched towards to a possible crime scene. Fear was inevitable, there was no noise at all only white noise which burned her insides.

Did someone die, who was it?


Air was restricted from entering her lungs. Catching her breath was like trying to inhale oxygen that didn't exist under water. She brought the pistol up to her vision, the gun quaking with her thoughts. Holding her breath she peered into the room with caution expecting the worst. Furniture was thrown, and glass laid treacherously on the ground, like a sharp repercussion bound to seize.

Her fingers struggled to charge the soul killer in her grasp, which with enough force she heard click out of safety. She dared to trail into the den of conflict. The air was thick, too thick. There was blood, seeping and rushing through the fibers of the carpet, enough substance to indicate death. Delilah felt her plummeting heart in her throat as she saw a figure slowly shift on the opposite side of the bed. She tried her very best not to tremble as she held the gun with cation. Inching a quivery step, a scared weep left her lips, vision settling the commotion ahead of her. Two men laid unconscious, one being Isaac.

An overwhelming feeling rushed over her body, not allowing her to think twice allowing her anger to take full charge. The other enemy, the conscious one stood up slowly and before he had the chance to turn around. Delilah's hands dropped the weapon and grabbed a lamp instead, hitting the man in the head several times till it shattered into fragments just like the enemies conscience and his body fell lifeless on the ground. A gasp of relief turned to one of shock.

Her thoughts rumbled so did the pace of her heart. Delilah ran over to Isaac's limp body and shifted his head into an upright position onto her thighs. Her sweaty hands rattled at the thought of losing someone else in her life.

"Isaac...ISAAC," She frantically said, shifting and patting his pale features.No response was received from him.

"Isaac, please wake up, everything's okay. Come on, wake up you're fine ." She interlaced her finger in his honey like curls.

His brittle eyes slowly opened with a squint meeting her worried ones. "I'm fine," he breathed out in pain which was inevitable for him to avoid.

She scanned his every feature. "We both know that's not true."His body was engorged with goosebumps. And blood seeped his t-shirt. Delilah rose up the side of his shirt that was consumed in the crimson liquid expecting a gash of some sort or even a bullet wound but there was none. She sighed in tremendous relief.

"Come on, let's get out of here," She exclaimed with paranoia lingering in her words. Delilah proceeded to wrap Isaac's arms around her as she began to pull him up. He was too heavy for her comfort. He grunted using his strained legs to stand.

"We have to go far south. I think we'll be safe there," He informed as his eyes winched at the pain he was in. Delilah knew no such thing as safety anymore, even after the earlier incident today where she almost got killed for the fourth time. He straightened his back and pulled away from her. He was now able to stand on his own. But for how long? He was badly beaten. He shifted over to the car keys that were laying over the glass fragments on the ground.

Delilah pried the keys from his grasp. "I can drive, your in no condition too."

Issac's eyes turned raven black at her words, he was already irritated by her oblivious nonsense. He didn't want to feel even more discomfort with her than he already has been.

"No, I can drive. Now get to the car and don't say anything, you've caused enough damage!" He growled, back growing in anger causing Delilah to shrink in her frail body. She just nodded with her head down low and turned to go over to the vehicle. Rubbing her eyes in frustration she rushed into the passenger's seat, she was so disappointed in herself. She thought back at how disappointing she was for her entire life. She didn't get into any of the colleges she signed up for, she had failed her family and friends. She had even disappointed her kidnapper. Delilah believed she was completely worthless.

Delilah looked around for anything to cover her nude legs, after some scattering around wrecked car she found her old pair of jeans to her luck. Planting her feet on the ground of the car she pulled up her body before putting on her pants which didn't fit to her dismay. Her weight had diminished so much since the day of that party...the one that completely turned her life upside down. A sob left her lips as her hands trembled in the strands of her tangled damp hair.

Her breath caught in her throat, she couldn't breathe, her lungs tightened in her chest as uncontrollable wheezing takes over. Delilah was having a panic attack. It was too much, it will always be too much. Fresh tears bled from her eyes as she tries to compose herself and recollect oxygen. But it was no use whatsoever because the car door was pried furiously open with it a very angered Isaac. She screamed and sobbed even harder causing him to avoid the words that were going to leave his mouth.

He slowly maneuvered his way into the driver's seat staying quiet. Isaac could feel the air's thickness and the waves of anxiety radiating from her cries. That pushed him to engulf her in his arms as her body rattled under his.

"Hey, everything's going to be okay. I didn't mean to yell at you it was out of anger," He whispered into her hair keeping his grip on her.

But nothing wasn't going to be okay. She couldn't go home because if she either did stay or run away 'they' were still going to be after her and she couldn't risk her family dying because of her. She didn't want to fail them again...

"When is this going to end? I'm sick and tired of this. This isn't living." Her voice was shaky.

Isaac pulled away from her worried body. "Soon enough, I promise."

His words were meant to calm her and believe in them yet Isaac didn't believe in them himself. How were they supposed to console her then?

"Just breath Delilah, if we go farther south we'll stay out of trouble, I promise.

It took her a good three minutes to finally compose herself and wipe the tears from her cheeks. Crying about the situation wasn't going to help and she knew that well enough but it was so hard for her not too. It was just too much going on at the same time.

"I'll get you some new clothes as soon as we get there, but for now here," He said putting a bag over her lap. It was still warm and smelled so delightful. It was the Chinese food, knowing that her spirits lifted a bit. It was something that was going to entertain her from reality for a while which she invited herself too pleasingly.

It was going to be a long ride by the looks of it.


Author's Note:

Hello, there my fellow readers I really sorry that I haven't been updating. It's been a long time since the last update I know very well it has been. I've been working on another story I've been wanting to publish and I'm working on chapters to avoid late updates with like I've done with this one. Also other than that, I haven't had time for wattpad, life's been in the way. 2018 hasn't been the best year for me, my grandfather was hospitalized and then my dog died. So that's really not motivating. I've been doing better though and finally found time to write. I don't promise another update close to this one might take a month or more so I don't want to get anyone's hopes up .i do appreciate the loyal readers those are the ones who keep me going. Until the next update.

Love, Aster

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