Part 3: Warmth

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{Chapter Three}

Hunger,weakness, and pain. Was the only way that described what Delilah was feeling at this praises moment.  Chains strained her wrist with all its mighty will, and every time she had to swallow, it would become a challenge, rasping back the dryness which pleaded and longed for water that never was given but instead replaced with the bowl of noodles trying to be shoved down her mouth. The blood that covered her limbs quickly dried up in those few hours she was taken away by the van, and placed in a pitch black room. She attempted to free herself from the chains but the more she struggled the tighter the chains got and dug deep into her already fresh wounded skin regaining her to cry out in pain.

            It seemed as if she were frozen at the moment after her struggling paused, just staring past the one man which meant nothing to her at this point. She stood neutral and conservative as the man with the black knitted ski mask kept trying to force a spoonful of Ramen noodles down her throat. Once the damp condiment touched her tongue she spits back the food causing it to fall all over the man who with a bad temper could have killed her hours ago but didn't because of Isaac.

             The young male's blood boiled as the source which included saliva hit his face causing an edict growl to flee his lips. "You bitch! Fine don't eat your food just die of hunger."He stammered regaining him to snake his grotesquely slim fingers around her neck, clogging up her airway.

             Everything materializes before her in given seconds. Her body was now pressed up against the broad wall which was accompanied by three others which held the same appearance; worn down wallpaper and stains,that only god could tell what hid behind their horrific secrets. Her weak feet were now hanging off of the ground and her oxygen was minimizing little by little because of the harsh strain now dangerously clawing at her neck.She searched for his eyes, where ever they were behind that mask, pleading and begging for her life. She clawed at his restraint with her nails, the same ones that were now consumed with someone else's  unknown blood who was most likely dead or slowly perishing.

              The fight back was now more than just useless. He was too sturdy, angry, and death roared his actions in a warning tone.Tears fell down there banks and finally the liquid of emotion had finally destroyed that steel wall of preservation Delilah was holding on too tightly.

              "What is going on here?" Isaac's tremulous voice questioned in out of a sudden in more of an angered tone of ominous, which furthermore gave any human being the littlest bit of sense that it was more of warning statement than a question.His stern arms clasped on the man's back so harshly that a groan of pain trembled from his lips in just seconds.

          "Let go of the girl now, or I will slice off your testicles and feed them to you slowly."He said, slowly as if speaking to a toddler who wouldn't understand his lesson. And just at that horrific speech of words the man who held Delilah captive in his arms let her fall from his fingertips and his limbs to begin wavering in fear.

              Isaac shoved him to a side violently and consumed in anger, which quickly in a matter of seconds sent the male running as fast as his short wobbly legs could carry him. Delilah held cautiously onto the affected area around her throat as she glanced up at the devil himself in front of her in all his glory, regaining her entire body to react all at once and a screech to fall from her throat.He nervously squatted down towards her with a grocery bag of some goods he'd been carrying with him for her nutrition.

          As soon as he placed the bag in front of her his throat parched at her appearance. She seemed scared and frightened which was all he wanted her to be dragged away from. A heavy sigh came from his lips as he scooted closer to her panting and quivering figure.

                "W-what's t-that?"

          His eyebrows soared up. "It's food, I got it just for you. Don't worry It's not poisoned."He whispered deliberately as he saw her reaction towards the plastic container she began to open in fright.

              She was scared. She was traumatized. People on their right collected brain would choose not to accept her kidnapper's offering. Other than that she was still petrified of the scene taking place hours before she was captive to a psychopathic "suppose" murderer. She remembered him being the handsomely attractive male who made her insides quickly and oddly spring with wonder. But other than that, ever since that one frightening day he,r entire perspective on the man changed and it did so for good.All she regressed on doing at that very moment was sicken her heart and mind with nostalgic thoughts of the last night and how she could have avoided that mistake in more than ten ways possible.

                "Eat!"he scorched, now frustrated and hesitant.

             She peeled the peanut butter and jelly sandwich out of the container and placed it down onto her taste buds giving them the wonder of delight for once and tricking them into thinking that it was the best meal of her entire life! She hated peanut butter with a growing passion but now that it was the only way her stomach could keep a bit of a satisfied temper was converting it into being her favorite meal of all time. She downed it with just two simple bites causing her belly to settle in longing delight, and the edges of her mouth to fill up with water.

            A quick and loud moan escaped her lips as she swallowed down the remaining substance while Isaac gazed at her actions with relief, which oddly and inconceivably held Delilah as well, she knew it was gruesome, insane, psychopathic of her but she couldn't help it she was relieved and glad to see him which was a satanic act, a mission only insane non-humans would accomplish but there she was enjoying his bit of help and warmth as she studied his crystal-like, chocolate wine eyes for the first time.


Author's Note:

Hello my fellow readers this is ASTER! I know, I know you guys might be thinking well...obviously leave the might behind just replace it with the will be thinking that, oh what the heck happened to this betch? Well here I am now answering your questions! I know its been more than a millennium that I have updated about a month or so and a half but here I am finally back and updating. So sorry the problem for my delay for an update was that I was so friken busy and as well busy with James Patterson books. I swear his books are amazing and for me the book "run for your life" was so great that I read it ALL in a DAY! And for my reason of updating, giving me inspiration and refreshment to keep writing "define sociopath" it was a great book which I do recommend. Other than that I WILL try to update sometime next week with all my heart and again if I don't update just give me a week or two and it will be up pinky promise. Well I hope your guys are enjoying "define sociopath" and por favor don't be afraid to vote or comment in hope you guys are seeking my story.

Sincerely- Aster <3

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