Part 6: Blood Of Deception

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{Chapter six}

"Delilah, please don't give out on me." Isaac's horrified voice plead with all its might will as the crimson liquid that was needed to flow and travel in a human's body to survive just ooze ruthlessly out of the wound on her lower abdomen that impaired into her flesh in mere seconds and caused her weak and limp body to collapse onto the ground. She endeavored to stop her eyes from closing but soon darkness took hold of her and left her unconscious and motionless as well as her keeper to let a frustrated groan leave his lips.

"No, no you are NOT going to die on me. Please don't Deli." He whispered as reckless tears burst from the corners of his now red eye. His hands were rattling as they scooped up her frail and lifeless body into his embrace. This was all his fault that they were in this mess and he knew it damn well he just didn't want to admit it.

But....who pulled the trigger?

It wasn't him.

His gaze circumspectly trailed behind him and the last person he expected to be holding a gun in between their fingertips was standing just a few feet away from him with a neutral face as his feet backed him away from the now sad and raged sociopath.

"Look at what you have done...I'm going to kill you." He hollered as a lion set off by its prey which right now was Jake the man who held a compass tattoo on their neck became frightened as he ran towards the second car that was taken for the journey and speed off with his other men as he left nothing but burnt tire marks on the gravel of the road. Silence overwhelmed him soon after as he just sobbed into the poor girl's chest. His shaking fingertips searched for any type of pulse and the longer it took to discover the harder it was for him to keep a straight manner but once he finally found her pulse relief rushed over him. He quickly searched for any signs of internal bleed, there was no weak pulse and the rest was suppose to be diagnosed with her awake ...which she wasn't at the moment. He knew that if he panicked now there was no way he could get anywhere with her alive.

He tore a long strip of his shirt which was already tainted with her blood and regained strength to wrap the wound on her lower abdomen with the cloth around her from getting an infection. But that really wasn't his worry, his deepest fret was the one devilish thing that had to diagnose him a sociopath, because of this one thing people have taken advantage of him and have gotten his mind tormented since his teenage-hood. It was the liquid that seeped out of the girl's body and tainted to his flesh. He couldn't resist the tempting urge of doing something just so unforgiving and satanic. He tossed the traumatic urge from his dark mind and wrapped his arms under her legs and back as he began to walk not knowing what to do next. And just that crushed him inside out, he didn't want to lose her.


"Yes, I'm close."

Isaac's words were like a sudden whisper which wrenched Delilah out of her sleeping state, having her eyes squinting several times before they adjusted to her poor surroundings. It was clearly detected that darkness had blanketed over the skies.

"Just don't worry, I'm no more than a minute away." His voice was exhausted but stood.

Realization quickly hit her like the pain that rushed down her abdomen and back. It was just ruthless and tortures for her, they were like shocks of painful needles prying into her slowly and devouring her insides as well. A shriek of pain left her lips as she tried to sit up straight in the backseat she laid against but was struck by discomfort. She was still under the sociopath's possession.

"W-where are we? Why did you shoot me?" His words were tremulous and her voice was revealing specks of pain and sadness as she screamed until her weak lungs gave out. His foot stomped on the break with force bringing them both to jolt forward and another cry of pain to leave Delilah. His heart was palpitating against his chest heavily at just hearing her voice for the first time since the reckless incident taken several hours ago tugged at his chest.

He pushed himself out of the car and opened the back door of the disheveled old Crown Victoria as expeditiously possible. At his motions Delilah's body became stiff and her hands and feet pushed her body as far away from the demon boy. She was frightened....not even, she was scarred for life. She had the little ability to do anything. She couldn't run, She couldn't hide, and she couldn't see her family again.

"You don't know how worried I was." His words left his quivering lips in a whisper as his palms caressed her cheeks softly.

"If you were so worried about me then why did you shoot me in the first place."She shouted tempestuously at him as tears were at the verge of falling.

His jaw snapped as his eyes became bloodshot red. "I didn't shoot you."

Her shoulders sagged. Then if it wasn't him...."Who did?" She asked full of rage as the pain tightened and fell heavily each time more around her.

He removed his gaze from hers and let his fingers slide from her face as well as she sensed a vibe off him not wanting to answer which bit into her gut in anger.

"I told you not to ask questions." He barked at her regaining her body to tremble in fear of his malicious voice and oscillate change of tone. His chest fell heavily as he ran a pair of fingers down his scalp and regained composure.

Silence soon consumed them whole and he proceeded to pull her out of the car and carry her. At his action, Delilah squirmed under him but gave up sadly at the pain which hadn't given her the permission to shift.

She studied her surroundings as he walked forward. There was some type of apartment complex coated with a light creme color while the bricks stood velvet red. The only thing which enhanced the property were the two trees on either side of the building making it look complete. It seemed more like a residential area than anything else. Everything was just so quiet. He paced down two halls which lacked illumination until he came to the third door which he quietly opened and slid in with her limp body unseen.

She didn't want to stay locked up in a closed up room with no source of light whatsoever. She wanted to run free and appreciate the slightest of things she never did before because of the days she spent studying in her room for a future that she didn't even desire for in the first place. She wanted to hear the birds singing and the sound of the waves of the ocean clasp down onto a sheet of rocks as the salty smell of the seas enlighten her nose and fill her lungs, as well as bury her toes into the moist sand. But that wasn't going to be possible. The only thing she could accomplish to do was cry, which sickened her.

"Isaac just lay her on the couch and I'll see what I can do from that point on forward." A lady around her late forty's said as she emerged into what looked to be the living room. Her ocean blue eyes were strained and her blonde hair was a mess, strands pocking at several directions. She seemed exhausted and agitated in a troublesome way.

As Isaac proceeded to place her on the couch like a piece of fragile glass the middle-aged woman circled over the coffee table and sat on the edge of the couch as she inched towards the source covering her bullet wound from infection. Once the area was exposed to her vision her eyes grew twice their size and she cautiously stared up at Delilah with a frightened and concerned look which had her gut sensing that something was terribly wrong.

"Oh my, dear I'm surprised you're still alive. You have lost too much blood." The lady's voice was a bit rushed and Delilah's eyes trailed down to the conflict that enabled her. There was blood drenching her skin and clothes, it was like a river of death which somehow hadn't reached her yet but was destined to do so soon. Her heart clenched against her chest firmly and fear washed over her.

"Please, help me!"


Author's Note:

Another chapter on Tuesday as promised. Hope you guys vote and comment and also I wanted to ask something and get it off my chest, it's something that I have been thinking of day and night. It's putting my story up for the Wattys...I know it sounds stupid but I really wanted to do it and have your say in it. It's something I have been thinking of a whole lot. Other than thank I thank my readers for getting me at a ranking of #178 on Mystery/Thriller which is super amazing! I still can't believe it, this will motivate me to do better for you guys and commit to this story, because without you how could I have made it this far with 188 reads on the story it's amazing. Well until then my yummy bears.

Love- Aster

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