Part 1: A stranger's grieving stare

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Chapter One

-A Day Earlier-

Delilah's heart plummeted against her heavy chest for the seventh time as she inched a quiver step closer to the mailbox. She'd been fumbling around with her fingers and nibbling on her nails till she ended at the roots of them. Since her last year of high school ended till the nearing of the end of June, her soul and mind felt more than just ready to ricochet and abandon her as her patients and mind minimized into nothing else but frightening worry.

Her fingers ached to pry the mailbox open and once she did all her hope once more diminished and left her back taking steps to square one causing a quivering sigh to pry from her lips once again. She didn't want to disappoint her parents at all but now that summer vacation started around the corner all her hope was desperately lost. She shoved and kicked the box with all her mighty force which she soon regretted and bite down on her lip with guilt. Now there was a dent in the mailbox and more disappointment was going to find its way at dinner, she thought. And just when she progressed in turning on her heels to move back into her chamber of darkness and worry a honking noise stormed her ears causing her to screech and jerk back in shock.

Once her vision settled on the raven black Camry which was more than just run down she knew then that It was her best friend since freshman year. Naomi making an entrance like usual. Delilah proceeded to roll her eyes as her friend rose out of her car, sassing her hips dramatically towards her as the feathery pink dress on her friend swayed side to side in harmony with her body.

Her friend was more than just dramatic in life. With the way she spoke, made gestures, and acted.

"What are you doing here Naomi? You know I'm grounded," She informed her friend as her eyebrows knitted in an alert form.

Delilah didn't want to get negative attention from her parents to accumulate her punishment, which all began because of dressing "inappropriately" when leaving with Naomi to go eat ice-cream. As in a tank top and Bermuda shorts getting her into trouble. So imagine what could happen if her best friend had something in store.

Naomi gasped as her arctic blue eyes widened and placed her left hand over her chest as if she were hurt in some sort of way by her words. "I get it, you don't want me to be here. Plus I also get the fact that you take your parents words, "no human being in your house." to heart."

"Because I'm not a human I'm an animal."Her mood changed with her words as a chuckle proceeded to leave her friend's vibrant pink lips and cause Delilah to scoff stubbornly in the process.

"What do you really want?"

Naomi tapped her chin as the deep thought crossed her mind and twirled a section of her blonde locks on her pointer finger. "," She perched her lips and pulled at the hem of Delilah's sweater, regaining a groan to expose from her throat.

" Come on Deli, why can't we just be careless for once in our life, and do what we want to. Our parents can't control our lives for eternity," Naomi whined.

"I'm sorry I just can't do that. I'm living with my parents, remember. I'm under their house, so it's their rules," Delilah argued as she turned around to face her pouting friend with both arms crossed over her chest.

Naomi's eyes sparkled with ideas as her friend's words reach her eardrums. "Then why don't you and I make plans and rent a place together." She suggested with a squeal in her already high pitched voice, which lingered with a hint of hope.

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